Friday, May 6

Hey, Hey, Hey!

We made it! Zorak went into super-psycho-unloading mode when we arrived, and although we pulled into the complex after four on Tuesday afternoon, that Budget truck was e-m-p-t-y before we went to bed. It's taken me until yesterday evening to undo the transfer to the apartment. *grin*

All is well here. The boys went fishing with Daddy while I slipped off to the library. Funny story about finding the library... this is the first place I've ever lived where "the library" is treated as an urban legend rather than an actual place. I can't tell you how many people respond to the question, "Hey, where's the library from here?" with, "Oh, I have no idea. I don't know if we have one... um, I think there's one in downtown Huntsville..." OK, this is funny because there are six, yes, SIX libraries in the area. Not one of 'em is easy to find, but I think a lot of that on my part is that I start oogling the horizon and the pastures and suddenly *poof* I'm in Decatur or closing in on the TN border. (Hey, I have never claimed to have superior navigational skills!) However, this branch, which is supposedly a small one, is absolutely lovely. The people are friendly, there are close on a gazillion books, and it's internet speed is rockin'! Wow!

So, um, what's up here? Well, lots of stuff, and nothing much. I'm sure nobody wants to hear about sifting through the kitchen boxes, making trade-offs on what to keep boxed and what to leave out... but, well, that's pretty much been it.

Oh. Guess what? With rabbit ears on the TV, we can get UPN, PBS and FOX. Hee hee. Zorak and I vegged out in our room the other night, eating pecan pies and watching TV: That 70's Show, King of the Hill, Malcom in the Middle. It was fun, but I'm even more certain now that we don't need cable. The brain - ok, our brains - just can't handle the temptation. But, it was fun while it lasted.

Let's see, Smidge developed a honkin' fever on the drive out (didn't have a thermometer on me, but he was hot-hot, as in, scary-hot, and lethargic. Joy.) We pulled over, gave him some 'nuggles and doped him up with fever reducer and kept an eye on him the rest of the trip. Don't know what he had, other than a serious case of "I-CAN'T-TAKE-ANY-MORE-OF-THIS-I'M-LITTLE-YOU-KNOW!" But the fever broke before we stopped for the night and he's been ok since. On the plus side, he slept for most of the two day trip, as well as reverting back to a mongo three-hour nap each day this week. He's also stopped nursing down for the night. He just heads to bed with his usual enthusiasm, blows good-night kisses and snuggles in. That's it. G'nite!

James and John. Um. Threads. Seams. Popping. Sedation. I am quite thankful I am not a single parent right now. I love my children and will love them through this, this is one of those shining examples of how two-parent child-rearing can really pay off. If the boys aren't thankful for Zorak now, they will be one day when they realize all he's done for them during this move.

They are enjoying their newfound freedom with the bikes, exploring the lake, taking off in new directions with their interests and energies. And I am afraid I will have to renegotiate my inner boundaries to reflect more appropriately the changes the boys are going through. Truthfully, I don't wanna! But it's time. I can see that, and while I'd love to keep 'em little forever, I don't want to deprive them of the joy and accomplishment of growing into the fine men they're meant to be. Isn't it our job to encourage that and nurture it? Yes, even when it makes me weepy and grouchy. Even then. They are growing so well, popped stitching and all.

Zorak is happy. Big happy. Joyful. Chipper, even. Occasionally he emits a little "woohoo", which can be somewhat distressing in the middle of the night, or if you don't know he's just come onto the patio. But that's ok. It's a good noise. It's a happy Zorak.

We'll have internet access at the house on Monday. I think. Maybe. We'll see. But now that I know where the library is, I can slip down here and say howdy from time to time until we get set up at the house.

K, that's all I have time for now. Gotta let some other tax-payer enjoy the fruits of pooled resources. Thank you for the well-wishes and traveling mercies. The Suburban behaved, we had clean beds, warm food, and joyful time together. I appreciate the prayers. Will see you shortly!

Kiss those babies!


Julie D. said...

YAY! Welcome back ... and remember, you can always handle tv! :-)

Crissy said...

Welcome Home!


Kim said...

Glad you all made it safely! Hope you are settled soon.

Ah, the library. That must make you feel at home, no?

Anonymous said...

I've been checking and checking to see if you guys had made it. I'm SO glad the car behaved. Hope it's beautiful and wonderful there! Yes, a happy Zorak is a wonderful thing.


Anonymous said...


Very glad you are all in good spirits. Zoraks should be happy. Dys and little Dy-letts should be happy.

Linda said...

Yeah, you made it! Home Sweet Home!

Happy Mother's Day, Dy!!!

Laney said...

Glad you made it safe and sound!!


L said...

Woohoo from me too!

Glad you're there safe and sound.

Happy Mothers' Day!

Thom said...

Home at last! Yay for you!

Libby said...

"Oh, I don't need to check blogs over the weekend. I won't miss anything...." Ha.

Welcome home!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! You made it! WooHoo is right! Glad to hear you are safe and sound, and that Zorak is so happy!

Di said...

Welcome home, Dy!

So good to know you are getting settled.

Happy Day,

Emily said...

WAH-HOO!! You're back! I did not realize what an addict I was to your blog until it wasn't there!!
Glad you are where you belong. Give the little ones a squeeze from us! And tell Smidge that W is really up and running, ready to give him a run for his money...FINALLY!!