Thursday, May 19

What a Wonderful World

Zorak and I used that song for our wedding processional (it went well with the bagpipes for the recessional), and to this day, I get weepy when I hear it. It means more now, because when I look around I see not only Zorak, but a house filled with a family - my family. There are children scattered all over the floor and remnants of their presence evidenced in every room of the house. Whether it's the latest Lego creation on display or a drawing left on the kitchen table, I see that we are fully, unquestionably, and definitely a family. What A Wonderful World, indeed.

We watched National Treasure earlier this week and decided to let the boys watch it with us later in the week. They fell in love with it, with the codes and the sheer adventure. James thinks Riley is the best character in the whole movie. And John's reaction to the scene (trying hard not to spoil the movie if you haven't seen it) where Nicholas Cage's character breaks out the pipe was priceless. He gasped aloud and said, "THAT man is a GENIUS!" Zorak and I cracked up. It's become a key phrase in the house this week.

The week ended nicely (house hunting aside) with a family trip to the park, plenty of bike rides (I am going to have monstrous Popeye-style forearms from pulling that wagon - Smidge needs to learn to ride a bike soon) and plenty of stories and things to learn and do. When, at the end of the day, we can look back and bring more smiles than sighs, it has been a good day, indeed. That there are more good days than bad is a gift I never dreamed possible.

Enjoy your Friday, and kiss those babies!


Kim said...

Thanks for mentioning this movie, Dy. My 13yo asked about seeing it, and I had not heard much about it. If little boys liked it, I'm sure bigger ones would like it.

My boys are doing the ultra boy thing this weekend with dad: a crach 'em up car derby. Hubby got free tickets and asked me if I wanted to go. Uh, nope. Daughter and I are staying home to do girl stuff.

Laney said...

Well blow me down, Popeye!! You are so very funny, Dy!

I love this post, you painted such a wonderful picture of your happy, blessed life!

Thanks for the tip about National Treasure, I have been wondering if it would be suitable for the boys.

melissa said...

We loved National Treasure too. That is SOOo funny about John's reaction! I can totally see him doing that. You guys are a riot. Y'all have a great weekend!

Sheila said...

That is too funny. *My* boys are also obsessed with National Treasure.

I was going to post the sme thing. Everything now relates to National Treasure.
Those Sumerian seals? Well they are just like that pipe in National Treasure. The Assyrian statues? Oh those were in the treasure room.

Just wait until we get to the crusades and the Knights Templar. And all of the early American history. (sigh)

They've alreay asked if they could watch it today.

Gem said...

We went to the theater to see it when it came out and loved it! Dh decided to rent it a few days ago, and the girls (5 and 6) begged to watch it with us. Dd5 was a little bored, but Dd6 loved it. When they were looking at the Declaration in the National Archives, Dh mentioned that we should go see it sometime. Now, Dd6 is bugging me daily about when we're going to go see "that Declaration thingy"!