Tuesday, October 12


I have become an Uber-Geek. How do I know this? It's easy.

Zorak tells the boys, "Go ask your mother." He does this more frequently than he used to.

My friends make fun of me because we'd go home and look up grates- the history of, and the different kinds and uses, when we got home. (Which I had actually planned to do, but I didn't tell them that while they were giggling at me, though.)

My favorite website: dictionary.com LOVE IT!

James asked at breakfast yesterday, "Mom, does 'plode' mean to move quickly in a certain direction? You know, like explode (he made arm movements going out) and implode (brought his arms back in)." Good question. Let's find out. So, we looked it up.

Then I spent the next five minutes chasing the boys from room to room, clapping loudly at them. (Go look it up and that will make more sense.)

But the big kicker, the ultimate proof...

Is that none of this strikes me as strange! ACK!



Linda said...

Strange? What's strange about any of that? :-D

Julie D. said...

Ahhh, you'd fit right in at our house where it is not unusual for someone to hop up to get the proper science, history, philosophy, etc. reference to prove their point or discover something. Bring those kids over anytime and we'll have a geek-fest! :-)

J-Lynn said...

I'm not just saying this to blandish you (word of the day - look it up LOL), you have the perfect mixture of brains, brawn, and F-U-N at your home! I know, I've been there! Gosh, I look back and WISH I was a "geek" in high school, or at least Geo, we'd be making a whole heck of a lot more now...rofl


Crissy said...

Wow! That site beats the pants off Merriam Webster!


Tenniel said...

I wish we lived near one another. When I read your words I feel like I could be at complete peace with you as a friend. Reading your blog each day helps me know there are others out there like us and you often inspire and motivate me with your honesty, humor and view on life.


Anonymous said...

Hey now! We were NOT making fun (well I wasn't) I was 100% totally serious. And no it isn't strange, it is just what makes you a better mama than me and is why you can home school and I wouldn't dream of doing it.

You know we love you, are in awe of you, and aspire to be as cool as you. So see, you can't be a geek!!!!

Your favorite Utahn