Thursday, October 30

Wow, talk about lazy... and weird.

Not us. We've actually been quite productive. (But there's some swearing in this post, so, you know, brace yourself.) I'm talking about the Sparkle Hands church. I've probably hinted before that it's not going well. Did I write about the seriously boundary-challenged nursery worker (BCNW) physically barring me from EmBaby and telling me to "step out into the hall"? No? That's because I still foam at the mouth just thinking about it.

Basically, Zorak was gone, it had been a rough week, and EmBaby didn't want to go into the nursery. She and I did go into it to use the bathroom there, as that commode is little, and I had Jase, and so, well, that seemed reasonable. On the way out, though, I asked Em if she was sure she didn't want to stay. She said, "No, I just want to stay with you." I told her that was okay, put out my hand for her and we headed for the door.

That's when BCNW physically picked the child up (yes, taking her out of my hand) and told me to step out into the hall. Um... pardon me? Yeah. I reiterated that I was leaving, and taking Em. Badda-boom, badda-bing, I ended up exerting every. ounce. of grace God was willing to spare me not to go all Wild Wild West on this woman and ask her to step outside at High Noon. Give me my child and get out. of. my. way. She did finally put Em down, but she mad-dogged me the entire time.

I wasn't going to say anything, just figured I'd keep Em and Jase with me from now on. Thinking perhaps this is not a good place for us to be, but whatever. UNTIL I found out she'd been talkin' 'bout it around the church. And, of course, her story involved what a helicopter parent I am, and how I'm really-really wrong, and what are they gonna do about me? Ohhhhkay... yeah, not okay with that.

Long story shorter than it could be: the Children's Minister and I have talked, and she's "pretty sure" they could "make an exception to church policy" in allowing a parent to come and get her child "without the church staff insisting otherwise". You know, "just for you". Oh. Policy? You have a policy that mandates church workers interfere with parents like that? Wow. Don't I feel special? But we're going to have to sit down with BCNW to have a mediation, first. (Can you sense the tension? Good.)

So, on to other things, they've been riding these kids hard for two months, now. ("Sharp hands! SHARP HANDS!") Last week, two kids were visiting from out of town and their grandmas brought them to the church on Wednesday night. The kids were told they can't come. (Because they'd be too far behind the rest of the group, and you know it's far more important to have a perfect show than it is to welcome visitors! And since nobody ever shows up anywhere in the Autumn, we wouldn't want to keep a bag of Cheetos and some Bible games on hand. Just in case. Pffttt.)

Zorak mentioned a couple weeks back that he can hear me seething at night, and to be truthful, it's kind of starting to freak him out. What with having to sleep near me, and all. The truth of the matter is, this place has very different goals and priorities than what we are comfortable supporting in a church.

Last night was the last straw.

I sit at the sign-in table, with the Big People. I suspect it's so that they can keep on eye on me and my subversive tendencies, but whatever. The Powers that Be started going through the roster, figuring out who is keeping up the pace and who isn't. There's one little boy who hasn't been there in a month. The Children's Minister says, "Oh, yeah *sad face* I talked to his Mom, and they can't afford the shirt. That's why he hasn't been coming."

*blink* *blink* (I'm waiting for her to say something like, "I told her that's SO not a problem and to bring him back," but that didn't happen.)

Another lady says, "Oh, yeah, they're really struggling. Like, they're living from paycheck to paycheck, and having trouble keeping it together." Minister says, "Awww. That's so rough."

*blink* What the--?? I'm sitting here, watching this bizarre scene from a how-not-to-run-a-church video, waiting for the rest of it... still nothing. I hadn't moved or spoken up because I just couldn't believe that this was happening.

The woman picks up her pen, folks, and starts to CROSS THIS CHILD OFF THE ROSTER! Suddenly, I realize they're going to do it. They're cutting dead weight. They're... what the fuck is WRONG with you people?!?!? You can carry the interest on a million dollar mortgage without batting an eye, but you can't fork up TEN DOLLARS for a child?

I didn't smack the pen out of her hand, but I got very, very close before I could just force my hand down on the paper, instead. (I'm thinkin' an assault charge wouldn't bode well for me at this point in my life.) I'll buy the kid the damned shirt. Put the pen down. NOW.

What do they say? "Oh, but you have five kids!" Um... what, exactly, does that have to do with it? You know what, just... don't talk to me. Don't look at me. Do. Not. Engage. Me.

I can't begin to tell you how absolutely disgusted I am with this place. So, yay for them, they have wireless mikes (what is the abbreviation for microphones? mics?) for all the chosen children, but if you can't hang with the Ralph Lauren crowd, Jesus doesn't love you? I know this isn't in the New Testament anywhere, but I'm pretty sure Jesus has a big ol' bitch-slap waiting for people who behave like this in His name. (He may have one for me, too, for plenty of things I've done in my life. I get that, too.)

"Let the little children come to Me," He said. I know that part's in there.

December 14 is the date of the play. December 15, I'm going to have a Captain Morgan's and Coke to celebrate never having to wade through that place's BS again.

Kiss those babies! Oh, kiss them and love on them with all your heart.


Jenni said...

I got so angry reading this post, right from the moment with that BCNW(What does B stand for again?) and escalating right through each incident. I would be cussing too, though maybe not to myself or just on my blog. Okay, so it would just be to Danny for a while and I'd be trying to cover my seething rage at church, but eventually I would BLOW! Then they would probably offer to put me on their prayer list which they never really use and escort me to the door. In the end, I don't think I could leave quietly. I think I would be preparing some sort of long epistle on how very un-Christian and altogether wrong their practices and motives are. (Yes, I have done this several times. I wonder if they've ever been read.) I think maybe that little boy is better off not going to their church. Maybe he and his family would like to do a little weekly get together with y'all to learn Bible stories and verses and see real Christian faith in practice, T-shirt optional.

Wow. I'll join you for that Captain Morgan and Coke. It's usually Jack Daniels in my Coke, but I like Captain Morgan just as well.

Melora said...

Good for you for controlling your temper! What do you suppose was going through that nursery worker's head? Did she think that you really wanted Em to stay and just couldn't manage to be firm enough? Whatever her intentions, What Nerve! And the whole business of dropping the kids whose families are poor? Oh my! I'm guessing that this isn't a church that puts a big emphasis on serving the needy in your community. I hope your kids have a great time with the play anyway, and that you find a wonderful new church soon.

Dy said...

Melora, oddly enough, this church hosts a Boys & Girls Club (or something like that) - I'd talked with the lady who runs it about volunteering to tutor there after the holidays. Weird, huh?

I'm so, so tired of looking for a church home. I'm almost ready to just go warm the pews of the one that didn't want us b/c they take care of their "own" around here. You know it's bad when that starts looking "good".

Jenni, I have spoken with them about various things. Mostly, they tell me that I need to "show a little grace, here" and remember "not to judge people on one incident" because, you know, after a year and a half of this crap, evidently I'll just be so cozy with them that I won't even notice these things. Or they'll all be in perspective. Or... I don't know, they'll have slipped the Kool-Aid into my coffee and I won't be a problem, anymore. *shrug*

My favorite quote so far was, after I'd let the Ch. Minister know that I wasn't judging the BCNW as a person at all, but that I'm the parent and she crossed the line and I will not let that happen again, the Ch. Minister tells me, "Well, that's good, because she's not judging you. Well, she IS judging you. But not all of you, just your parenting."

*SNORT* ROFLOL! It was so hard not to burst into laughter at how seriously she said that...

H said...

I am LIVID!! Absolutely LIVID!

I do not trust myself to type something right now, but I will say that someone needs to point out that it is not a sin to take your child into/out of the nursery. Gossip, however, IS a sin, and one that is much spoken of in the Bible. I wouldn't sit down to mediation, unless the Sr. Pastor can assure me that the BCNW's sinful gossip has been dealt with, and some sort of restitution has been made. (i.e. She gossiped about you to the church body, she needs to admit her sin, repent, and ask forgiveness from the church body.)

I would speak calmly and kindly with the Sr. Pastor about how you're trying to forgive the BCNW , however until her gossip is dealt with, no mediation with me would happen.

Staci Eastin said...

Um. Wow.

While I was one of those mothers who loved taking her kids to the nursery :) , I can't imagine a nursery worker trying to force a parent to leave their child if they don't want to.

And the shirt? That's just terrible.


Rebel said...

Holy crap! I'm with Jenni here, getting madder and madder the more I read. It's CHURCH POLICY to try and make a child stay when she doesn't want to?! They wouldn't eat $10 bucks for a T-shirt? You are soooo much better off anywhere, but there. Maybe you could home church for a while.

mere said...

Sigh. I'm sure those women would never dream of sweet, gentle, loving Jesus (reeking of hand cream) waiting for them in heaven with a big ol' bitch slap...perhaps they've forgotten about His reaction to the sellers in the temple.
"Revenge is mine, sayeth the Lord"

Sad. Just plain sad. This is still steaming me up. They're taking the Lord's name in vain by acting like this, stupid hypocrites!


L said...


Why are there so many people who just don't get it?

Sorry to read you still haven't found the right place yet.

Start your own congregation! Surely there are other disaffected, good-hearted subversive types around. That would be a church even I might be willing to attend.


Anonymous said...

Oh, Dy, it's miserable when you have lousy church experiences. I'm sorry that you're having to go through this...a church should be a place where you feel at home. That would drive me nuts.

Of course, our church doesn't have a nursery so that wouldn't be a problem. :-D


melissa said...

Oh, my gosh. O.K., I know that I had already heard most of this story, but still.... Am I the only one laughing??? This post just CRACKED ME UP!!! You kill me girl. No, no...I AM sorry about the lil' kid w/ no shirt and all, but it's just the whole picture of you being in the middle of these people. BWAHAHA!!
Call me on the 15th!
Poor Zorak.

Anonymous said...

please tell me your kids are enjoying the sparkly hands musical and that's the ONLY reason why you will stay til Dec 15?? for the kids. right??? oh my. I dont even have the words to describe how amazed, angry, appalled I am at their behavior.

andie said...


Sorry I didn't get your 2nd call...had a puker. :(

Anonymous said...

Too bad we don't live closer as my daughter and family and I(abiga/grandma) would help you form our own church group with others looking for similar things. I can't believe how God did not strike those people with lightning bolts when they were going to cross the poor kids name off the list. Ridiculous. Blessings and prayers to help you make it through if that's what you end up doing, till the end times, ha. The play that is.

momanna98 said...

Wow. What a terrible church. My mom (Abiga) has a good idea. How about we meet somewhere between Alabama and Illinois every Sunday for bloggy church. :-) I hate trying to find a church. There are so many things wrong with churches these days. ugh...

Jules said...

Okay - so I know I am quite late on this one too, but I just had to echo what everyone else said. Un-freakin-believable! I give you kudos for holding your tongue - I'm not sure I could have done it. This place sounds absolutely horrific, and not at all Christian-like. Man, I'm p**** just reading it and I didn't even have to live it!

I hope your church search turns up something better soon.