Wednesday, May 12

Wednesday Already?

Wow, the mind is still going, albeit slowly, downhill. Could've sworn it was only Tuesday.

Ah, well, we had a good day schooling: Bible, Math, Reading, Grammar, Phonics, Latin, Music (had to throw music in when I realized I'd planned to do it M,W,F.. and with today being W and all...) The boys are wonderful. I, however, am horribly behind-the-curve. Thank heaven for resiliency!

You know, we just don't "do" formal science yet. Some days I feel somewhat neglectful about that, and come next year, when we have to register with the gestapo, I'm going to have to pull something out of the hat. I am, however, fairly convinced that the Robinson way is a good idea. Besides, we watch enough bugs, discuss digestion ad nauseum (*grin*), and touch on myriad other topics regularly. They are not suffering from a lack of "formal" science. Maybe I will talk them into creating sketch journals of things that fascinate them. I did pick up a "How to Draw Insects" book last month that touches on the anatomical details in a very neat way... hmmm. Well, we have enough on our plates right now. Talk to me in August. ;-)

We hit Target today. I had to buy a few tops. Found a cute one: flourescent yellow tank with powder blue swirls all over it. The boys said it's not a top for a grownup. They laughed hysterically when I put it in the basket. They don't believe me when I tell them it's for me. When did I become too- whatever- to wear bright yellow shirts with geometric designs?

Our little frog was back tonight. John has claimed it as "the family frog". He sits at the back screen door for long stretches of time, watching it hop about, eat ants, and croak. He thoroughly loves that frog. I need to touch base with our neighbor about the tadpoles. We spent some time tonight on the internet looking up the care and feeding of tadpoles. I think we can do that. We may even have better luck than we did with the fish!

Oh, and I've got to share a recipe! Normally, I DETEST, loathe, and in general DO NOT LIKE cole slaw. (Well, except for the stuff from KFC, which is actually ambrosia, and not like cole slaw at all.) However, we had half a head of cabbage languishing in the fridge. I hate to waste food. I had nothing to prepare it with (according to the umpteen some-odd cookbooks that inhabit my kitchen.) Then I found this recipe: fresh apple-slaw.

I read the ingredients.

I cringed. "Ewwww," I thought.

I looked for other options.



I made it.

With a great deal of trepidation. (I even prefaced supper with a disclaimer: "The cabbage salad has not been tested on the open market, nor have its claims been verified by the FDA. You are required to taste it and report your findings back to me, and only me. Should you choose to accept this mission, nothing further will be asked of you. Should you complete this mission, you will be given fresh berries and cream for dessert, no questions asked. Thank you.")

IT WAS GOOD!! So, here it is, in case you, too, have some random cabbage languishing in your ice box.

Fresh Apple Slaw
thinly sliced, cored, unpared red apples
finely shredded green cabbage
dairy sour cream (I substituted plain yogurt)
lemon juice (just to keep the apples from turning brown)
salt/pepper to taste
poppy seed (I didn't use this- who keeps this on hand???)

In large bowl, lightly toss all ingredients until well combined.
Refrigerate at least 1 hr. before serving.

Ta-da! How easy can it get on a hot summer night? The recipe has amounts, but to be honest, I think the actual recipe would feed a large Mormon gathering- far too much food for a small Protestant family. Just wing it. Have some fun with it. Put in enough to feed your family and add enough to make it "look right". That's the stuff true Granny-Style cooks are made of!


Tuesday, May 11

What a delicious day!

The boys started the day with music lessons. An hour later, we had to stop before we fell over from hunger. (I didn't expect that they'd want to keep going like they did! I swear they are little intellectual camels!) Tonight the boys played for Daddy. (Cheryl, why didn't you beat me about the head with this whole music thang a year ago? *grin*)

It is such a wonderful feeling to pile onto the floor after supper, the baby clamboring over me, my husband sitting next to me (beaming from ear to ear), the boys proudly and excitedly playing their chosen pieces. John showed Zorak how to play B, G, and A on the recorder. Repeatedly. He was quite excited about that. James played Merrily We Roll Along and Hot Cross Buns. Then Zorak and I played for the boys (hey! we aren't half-bad!) and the boys finished the performance by showing Daddy how to clean their instruments properly before returning them to their cases. *awww* (They listened! They really really listened! Yippee!)

We did our Math (another hour, what is it with MUS? They love it! Do anyone else's children do that?), Plants Grown Up, History (will we ever be done with Egypt? Just when we think it's gone- ahhhhhh, there it is! Run Away! Run Away!)

James had already rummaged through our new Latin materials before I awoke this morning. He blew his cover when he said (in a giggly tone) before we prayed, "Oremus". Ahhh, evidently it's not too soon to begin Latin.

At six o'clock, we were still not done with school. Well, we were done, but then the FedEx man showed up with a new cursive workbook for James! He yelled out the front window, "Thank you, FedEx man!" The driver was mostly around the van already, so all I saw was his shoulders shake as he laughed. James did two pages in Handwriting Without Tears before supper. I think that's another winner.

Supper was a nice light grilled chicken (the boys made the seasoning! Yum!) with green beans, hoppin' john w/ jalapenos, lemonade... and for dessert a delicious wheatfree shortcake topped with chilled fruit and cool whip! Mmmm, there is something to be said for the cuisine that develops in muggy, hot weather.

Aside from my Bible study, which I had to sneak in during lunch time, I've not read anything edifying or enriching today. Well, nothing above a fourth grade level, anyhow. It is hot and sticky. I cannot concentrate when I can't just sweat and get it over with! (To be perfectly honest, I believe mammals ought to hibernate in humid summers. It makes the most sense, if you think about.)

Oh! And score one for the good guys! Have y'all been following the case at Cal Poly in Kalifornia? It's too funny, really. Well,no, it's sad and disgusting, but the school has agreed to settle out of court, pay court costs and legal fees, and permit the student to pass out flyers. How big of them. WOO HOO! Let's hear it for putting a little of the "sense" back in "common sense"!

While you're at it, check out Mason Weaver's Homepage and go get his book!

Alrighty, folks, it's late and Zorak wants to communicate with the outside world. Time to relinquish my spot and go find a book to curl up with... and more coffee... must have more coffee... (where did I put my cup?)

Monday, May 10

Hooo Boy!

It's HOT. It is Africa hot... Sahara, shortly before the monsoons actually let loose, hot... yep. That hot. Whew.

Today was a great day, aside from the heat. The boys did an hour of math, and stopped then only because I insisted that we STOP. Enough, already! Let's do something else.

We did phonics in the tub with washable crayons on the walls.

We played in the water with the neighbors.

We made wf brownies (which aren't half bad) and a wf shortcake.

Now we need fresh berries. We had to dump the strawberries because they grew incredibly long, thick hair overnight. Seriously, we went to bed and they looked fine. We woke this morning to find 1/2" hair on them! Sticking straight up like pins in a pincushion! Being the good homeschoolers we are, of course, we watched it most of the day before throwing out the berries. It was over 2" long by five this evening. Creepy stuff.

Mr. FedEx man did not come visit me today. So sad. *sniff* But that means he will surely come tomorrow! Yay!

James read most of A Quest in Time, more of Jolly Robin, and perused the new books from the bookstore. His reading is just amazing, and I am tickled beyond words that he loves to read so very much. He's also thoroughly enjoying the lined paper I bought at the curriculum fair, and is begging to learn to plot points on graphs!

John showed me today during phonics that he knows a great deal more than I (once again) gave him credit for knowing. What a smart little guy (some might say "too smart" if he's already capable of outwitting us...) He's reading VC, CVC, VCC words now on his own. It's a brave new world, indeed!

Jacob can pounce. Yessiree, pounce. Like a stealthy, slightly chubby tiger with no regard for the effects of gravity, he lunges and snags like the most revered jungle dweller. I made the mistake of not guarding my wf brownie closely enough and *fwomp* it was gone! Took a while to get the chocolate from all those fat baby crevices, but he thoroughly enjoyed the spoils of his victory. What an introduction to solids, eh?

A few thoughts to share from today's reading:

"Love is not a retreat from the hard things of life but a citadel from which to gain strength to meet the complex problems of a public and private world." ~Robert N. Rodenmayer, author of I John Take Thee Mary, A Book of Christian Marriage

"...they constantly forget, what you must always remember, that they are animals and that whatever their bodies do affects their souls." ~Screwtape, in a letter to his nephew, Wormwood

The quotes are in no way related, just things that caught my attention while I was reading. Homer was left neglected today, but perhaps he and I will get a chance to chat tonight.

And so, can you believe I've actually blogged before midnight? I'm going to round up tomorrow's pages and worksheets, then go hit the blogosphere.

Have a great one!

PS- Had a bit of a scare there! You cannot use the "back" button from the new "preview" screen (which doesn't open in a new window automatically, I found). Using "back" will take you BACK to the DASHBOARD! *gasp* ACK! But just as an FYI, you can then hit "forward" and it'll bring you back to the writing screen, text intact, blood pressure back down. :-) Thought I'd share.

Sunday, May 9

Wow, a new look!

I guess now is as good a time as any to see changes at Blogger. It's not like I'm accustomed to the "old" look of the "new" pad yet, anyhow. Actually, it's kind of nice. The new layout is easier to navigate. It's cleaner, and does not feel as claustrophobic as the old look did. (The "dashboard" designation is a cute play on the old "control panel" title!)

We had a truly wonderful day. The morning was spent wrestling, playing dragons & knights (guess who gets the "luxury" of being the dragon...), read stories, colored, and played just a wee bit more. I am worn out!

Zorak made brunch for us, then I got to go to the used bookstore in Leonardtown, ALONE. Wow, that was neat. I bought ten books~ two for me, eight for the boys. *sigh* I sure missed them. We'll have to all go back together. (We meant to go together today, but poor John was done-for by noon, when the shop opened.)

Since I was all by my lonesome, I did slip on down to a little cafe/boutique for a big, frothy, iced mocha coffee frappuccino-like concoction! YUM, YUM! Then came home and cleaned/vacuumed the Suburban. I had hoped to shampoo it, but it was too hot and sticky. (Besides, I had my new copy of The Screwtape Letters calling me back inside the house!)

We've had a wonderful supper, and I'm going to wind up this blog while the boys finish the end of their new Jonny Quest video. (HEY- did y'all know that Jonny Quest was homeschooled? How very cool! That also explains a LOT about Race Bannon's role in the show! Now anyone know where Hadji came into the picture?) I'm off to sit on the porch and practice being old with Zorak. Hope you are savoring your Sunday just as much. See you Monday!



Good morning, one and all. Zorak and I had a lovely evening, sitting on the back porch, just reconnecting. I talked with him about Jess' wonderful response to some questions I've had recently, outlining the Proverbs Wife of Noble Character with regard to current issues. It was a wonderful talk we had together, and cleared the air of several misunderstandings. (My bad, I get so excited in my mind about doing something "good" that I often forget how that good is perceived- yikes! Getting better, though- thanks, Jess!)


The boys made a lovely handprint card for me this morning (yes, Zorak did the last minute thing bright 'n early this morning. I cannot complain, though, as if it weren't for the last minute, we probably still wouldn't even be married, let alone parents! We do love the last minute.) It's a beautiful card. Those tiny hands won't be so tiny for long. John's hands are already the same size as James'- I have to say that if it weren't for the color-coding, I wouldn't have been able to guess which handprint went to which boy. *sheesh, bad mommy* I plan to find a frame for this one- it's precious- two little handprints on each end and one teeny tiny spot in the middle...

Remember, no matter how "big" your children seem to you today, they'll never be this small again. Relish this time.


My Mother's Day gift is a family trip to the bookstore! This will be great, actually. The boys are wonderful at bookstores- they find a book and a corner and call it a day. (Yep, those are my boys!) The shop opens at noon, and brunch is ready now, so I'm going to sign off and finish enjoying the day. I'll post back later and will see you at your blog then, too!


Saturday, May 8

Oh, what a day!

I am reposting my favorite poem, in its entirety, written by Dorothy Law Nolte. This poem hung in every home we lived in while I was growing up. It now hangs in my home, and I love it. So, I thought I'd share.

Children Learn What They Live
If children live with criticism, they learn to condemn.
If children live with hostility, they learn to fight.
If children live with fear, they learn to be apprehensive.
If children live with pity, they learn to feel sorry for themselves.
If children live with ridicule, they learn to feel shy.
If children live with jealousy, they learn to feel envy.
If children live with shame, they learn to feel guilty.
If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence.
If children live with tolerance, they learn patience.
If children live with praise, they learn appreciation.
If children live with acceptance, they learn to love.
If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves.
If children live with recognition, they learn it is good to have a goal.
If children live with sharing, they learn generosity.
If children live with honesty, they learn truthfulness.
If children live with fairness, they learn justice.
If children live with kindness and consideration, they learn respect.
If children live with security, they learn to have faith in themselves and in those about them.
If children live with friendliness, they learn the world is a nice place in which to live.

Granted, there is no sure-fire, guaranteed method for raising a wholly healthy, well-rounded, happy, respectful, generous child. We are, by nature, tainted and bent toward the defunct. That flaw, however, does not excuse us from doing our utmost to achieve and emulate the ultimate good that is modeled for us in our Lord. With His help, we have hope.


James prepped the flower beds for us. He happily pointed out that he "even made pillows for them!" Sure enough, each hole has its own little dirt "pillow" for the flowers.

John told Zorak this morning, "I am super duper smart and I love learning!"

Jacob just might figure out that he CAN, in fact, go from sitting to mobile without having to tip over first. Uh-oh!


The boys are wonderful and are doing well, but they are now working out some, um, issues they developed over the last few weeks. In all, today has not been a very good day. I am glad it's nearly over. A hot bath, a good story and and early bedtime are in order (and that's just for me!) Tomorrow will be much better- a fresh and beautiful start, and another day to enjoy one another!

I'll talk to y'all tomorrow!

Pictures to hang!

With many thanks to Samantha, we now have photos! Yippee! Now if we can just figure out why Blogspot blogs are gobbledeygook for some people. Anyone know? I don't want to lose my favorite blog-sistahs b/c I'm suddenly unintelligible. I mean, if they've hung around deciphering my ramblings for this long... gosh.

So, hey, how about a picture? (Nothing new- just thrilled to have pics uploaded now!)

Here are our reasons for doing what we do... in no particular order...

And here's a relatively recent photo of me and my munchkins~

Thank you, Samantha!

Alrighty, I'm off to redecorate an actual room and will do a little virtual redecorating here this evening. Have a blessed Saturday, all!


Friday, May 7

Getting Settled

Ah, yes, this is going to take some getting accustomed to~ new look, new routine. I don't have any virtual pictures hanging on the walls yet, and the sofa is in the middle of the floor... just hop over the back. I'm going to get a cup of coffee. Would you like one? OK, I'll be right back...


OK, here ya go. Careful, it's hot.~

Well, it's Friday evening. Today was hot and sticky, but now it's raining and windy. It's wonderful. I have the windows open and the breeze is heavenly. Zorak is over at the neighbor's house, decorating a Care Bare cake for their little girl's 2nd birthday party tomorrow. The boys are sound asleep, and I have just finished updating my control journal, compliments of FLYlady. So now it's time to blog and play!

It seems we have some changes coming up in our actual home at the same time there are changes to our virtual home. I'll probably bore you a bit with hashing them out. (Sorry.)

We have given up on the idea of a school room. I want one very much, but this house isn't conducive to it- the layout, the flow, the lack of appropriate furniture. We had two choices: splurge on furniture for the room now and push back buying a house, or wait on the furniture and once we aren't paying rent, use the $ we'll save with a lower mortgage payment . Plus, if we wait, we'll be able to match the furniture to the room of a more permanent nature. I'm happy with the decision. That entire quadrant of the upstairs has been in limbo for nearly six months now, and it's sucking the energy from the rest of the house. So now, there will be a niche for it. Happy room, happy house, happy Mommy. (Relieved Zorak, who is sick of hearing me ask, "What are we going to do with the school room?")

This decision means that James will be getting his much-coveted room. He has ached for a room of his own since we moved, and was quite upset to find that he still wouldn't be getting one. We'll make the changeover tomorrow. He'll be thrilled to death, and so will John (although at some point John will have to share with Jacob, but he doesn't seem to mind that so much.)

I helped some friends do some housecleaning today. They have offered me the opportunity to do this with them regularly. I would really like to do it, but Zorak and I need to talk some more about it before I can make a certain commitment. It seems every penny we have is earmarked for something or other right now, all of which is wonderful and helping us to achieve our financial goals. However, every time I take money out for a museum membership or new books for the boys, I feel like I'm stealing from the cookie jar. It would be nice to find a happy middle with that.

Rainbow Resources shipped my order (again) yesterday. FedEx takes about 3-4 days to get here, so I'd say on Monday I can start oogling the truck as it cruises through the neighborhood. (Well, I do that anyway, but now I can do it with a purpose! Yippee!)

So, let's see- the rest of the weekend is coming up. I have a few goals:

1. MUST declutter the house. I'm sure we aren't slobs, but evidently when both parents are paper-addicts, the children inherit the gene. There is paper everywhere and I can't get it sorted through! Forget Calgon, I need FLYLady!
2. Schedule next week's lessons. The boys are ready to go bed the neighbors to give them recorder lessons.
3. Make it to church. We haven't been since the whole directory photo, German swimmer's neck fiasco last month... they're going to think we're hiding.
4. Round up the library books and find out what's due when. I went on a reserving binge last month and now have several due dates scattered around the house.
5. Buy a crib for Jacob and a dresser for James. (We currently have three boys sharing one dresser and a closet that is approximately 1/4 the size of a normal closet.
6. Get the upstairs rooms moved and find a new home for all our school room books (which have been living in the third bedroom... although James won't mind having a zillion and two books in his room, honestly, so this one isn't a priority.)
7. Plant the flowers we picked up today.
8. Pay off a few more bills and get a credit report in preparation for applying for a home loan NEXT MONTH! (I can't believe we are so close to actually doing this! That gives me shivvers!)

The fog is beginning to clear now. I'm reading the following (with notes):
Catcher in the Rye (SO not enjoying this, but have taken the notion that I'll plug through it like I did with Anna Karenina and hopefully will be able to glean something from it.)
The Dead Sea Scrolls (I am thoroughly enjoying this- it's a research-based history of the scrolls from the time they were found in the late 40's through current day. So far, it's a very good read.)
Middlemarch (This is good, but it takes some switching gears to get into the mindset to be able to enjoy it. It's under the pillow, b/c it seems best absorbed in the quiet of the evening with a hot cup of coffee and a thick, fluffy blanket.)
Who Killed Homer? (I am going to have to start over with this one. I cannot seem to get through a full page without interruptions. Perhaps I will ask for an unaccompanied trip to a coffee shop for Mother's Day? Just me, Homer, and a BIG cup of coffee! Mmm, heaven awaits!)

Hey- does anyone know how to do underlined with this thing? It doesn't look like normal HTML works. *sigh* More to learn.

Well, that's it for tonight. I am off in search of a file hosting company and a comment utility. In the meantime, you can email me at tbowmommy @ yahoo . com (minus the spaces) if you'd like to leave a note.

Have a wonderful night!

Thursday, May 6

Will be returning soon.

Well, it seems as though the time has come. I have to admit that this time, it feels different. Still, I'm not happy with the way my other "home" treated fellow bloggers. All Standard users were simply locked out of their blogs without notice nor explanation. I can appreciate the need to restructure, but why burn consumer bridges in the process? Bad capitalist move, imho. So, I've got to re-sign up for comments, register with Walagata (or some other file hosting service for pictures- open to recommendations) and then just take a deep breath and m-o-v-e. (I hate moving- both virtually and in real life.)
