Monday, March 22

Famous Last Words

Remember when I said, just last Tuesday, "Really must remember to take the pocket calendar with me into town, and never do that, again"? It was too late. I'd somehow planned the same. exact. schedule for last Thursday, as well. Friday wasn't much better. By Saturday, I was so excited to be able to not move, I slept right through Jacob's practice that morning! Thankfully, Zorak took him. I got up when they called to say they were on their way back. Then, in a show of solidarity (and appreciation), I took the afternoon practice, and Zorak got the PM nap. Lovely weekend. Not horribly productive, but lovely.

And that was the end of Spring, maybe? Sunday we had rain, all day. Today we had snow. Spring is a little gun shy in the South. It teases us every year, like this. Three of the kids are down with colds, though, and I was so thankful Em's practice today was canceled because I'd have felt compelled to take her. She's not sick, but it's hard to play ball when you're slathered in hand sanitizer and tea tree oil. Plus, it makes you smell funny. Nobody wants to be the smelly kid, no matter how healthy you are.

Hopefully, the wonderful average temperatures will soon return, and we'll be back out and about, puttering in the gardens. The kids are starting to climb the walls, just a bit.
Yeah, it's cute until somebody drops on an unsuspecting sibling... Come on, nice weather!

Kiss those babies!


Gail said...

Around here it's always the child with the dirtiest feet who starts climbing the walls. Sigh.

Laney said...

LOL! I love the picture. That requires talent, I tell ya!

Spring teased us here, too.

Urban Mom said...

Love that picture. Urban Kid 1 has discovered how to prop herself into the doorway and shimmy up. She winds up asking questions about what's on top of the refrigerator. Doesn't she know that we put things up there in order to forget about them?