Tuesday, March 2

Derby Days!

Well, the Pack Derby has come and gone. The boys had a great time. It's fun to watch their approaches change from year to year, their focus, and their plans. Smidge (OK, Jacob, although technically, it's still Tuesday) got it in his head that he wanted a police car. God bless Google images. He pulled it off, with a few variations because he really wanted the windows a certain color, so he flipped the color scheme. He's a mad man with the Dremel and a file! It was awesome, and he was tickled. He came in First in the Tigers' Den. Here's one of his races, courtesy of Uncle Wil, who came and caught some of the action on video:

This year, John wanted to make something really *fast*. Forget about style, forget about flair, he just wanted the fastest car he could make. He came up with "The Bullet", which was a crowd favorite (turn up the volume on the video and you can hear the kids cheering). John also took First in the Webelos Den, and took Third for the Pack.

I have no pictures, because I sent Zorak ahead with the camera while I stayed home to PanicClean, pack up things for Baseball practice (which fell right on the heels of the Derby), and locate Smidge's kerchief slide. He was busy herding children, and when I arrived, the boys were already dissolving into Full Boy Mode. We'll try to get pictures of the boys with their cars when we have another nice day.

Kiss those babies!


Laney said...

LOL @ PanicClean!!

I love the "Ready...set...(and all of the boys yelling) Go!"

Good times.


Heidicrafts said...


Dy said...

It was really fun. I think my favorite part this year was that there were no sore winners or losers. Everybody cheered and congratulated each other. The boys all rallied behind one another. This Pack has come a long way in the past year, and it's been wonderful to see.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! Sounds like a fun time!
