Saturday, January 27

I Had A Plan

It was a good plan, too. James brought the Volvo over Thursday. I was going to take it for the other two new tires, a general check up, and a run through the car wash.

Then I started it up.

I didn't even know it had a light that says that! 😱

So, that's a big, fat Nope. I got out of the car and gave thanks that he was home, because that car wasn't going anywhere like that.

A friend came last night and helped him troubleshoot it. The part will be in Monday. Nobody died. Hallelujah!

We figured in the meantime, he could bike, but it turns out he needs a new bike tire, too. 😕 At least that's a quick fix and I can pick up a new tube on the way home from work in the morning.

So, the new plan is to just keep replacing things that are broken until we eventually get all caught up. That, too, is a good plan.

Be encouraged!

~ Dy

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I didn't know that was a light either. When Eddie was driving his MG, he would say that starting was optional but stopping wasn't. :D

Good call on staying put. Hope it can be fixed quickly and inexpensively.