Thursday, August 13

I love vocabulary.

Not as an exercise on its own, but as a part of the day, it's wonderful. What's a "mazer"?

What's the difference between a broadsword and a regular sword?

"OH! Well, no wonder, then!"


Yes, this is good.

Kiss those babies!


Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'm sure I will understand this when my boys are older and into swords beyond "I just cut off your head!" But until then...what ARE you talking about? :)

Dy said...

LOL, Emily. I learn a lot from their questions! You're going to love that aspect of parenting!

A mazer is a large wooden bowl used for drinking.

And the differences between a regular sword and a broadsword are described pretty well by The Wise Geek, in this snippet:

And then, if you want to round things out, read Crispin, The Cross of Lead by Avi. ;-)