Friday, September 2

That's Done

I saw the doc today, to have him check out this cough that's not going completely away. He said it's normal to have a residual cough for up to six weeks after having pneumonia. I guess I looked a little queasy at that thought, because he was kind enough to assure me that's the outer edge of normal. (Then he not-so-encouragingly added that after about 12 weeks, it shifts from "acute" to "chronic" and then you have to start looking for other things.) I put in my vote for residual and acute, grabbed my prescription for more prednisone, thanked him profusely for his time, and got out of Dodge before he could think of anything else to share.

Then I came home and mopped the floors. Something had to give. If we ever win the lottery, I'm going to go hog wild and do crazy things, like hire contractors to finish the work I'm just too tired to spool up on, and pay someone Very, Very Well to come mop the floors once a week.

We missed the homeschool skate today - because I'm not the only person who holds off on seeing the doctor all week, then, when things don't clear up by Friday, decides it's better to go in *now* than risk an ER run at some point during the weekend. Bless the doctors who are open on Fridays, and deal with the backlog so gracefully. But the kids who lose out are also appreciated, and we'll try to catch the public skate tomorrow, after the Battle for Decatur. It's a Civil War display, and looks to be very interesting. I love historic re-enactments, regardless of the era. But I could never participate in them because of the attire. These things are always hosted in the dead-on heat of summer, and have you ever noticed the clothing for the dead-on heat of summer is *the exact same clothing* they'd wear - comfortably - in the stark, cold middle of winter. The kids love the presentations and lectures. I miss out on them, though, because of the monologue running through my head...

"You are so, incredibly, unbelievably tough... My word, but you've got to be dying in that thing... how many layers is that? Wow... I wonder if they've experienced spontaneous combustion at one of these things?"

And so on. Until I'm ready to go steal a Squishee machine and haul it to the field. FREE SQUISHEES FOR EVERYONE IN COSTUME!!!

The ice skating rink will be a lovely reprieve after that. The kids will love it! Maybe I'll try to steal a few of the participants, too, and buy them Squishees at the concession stand. They had Squishees in the 1800's, right? ;-)

Kiss those babies!


Heidicrafts said...

Once upon a time, a group of middle school girls who had been studying the Civil War decided to all go to a homeschool roller skate in hoop skirts. They looked lovely.

Perhaps you should just that the reinactors to the ice rink. I'm sure they had those in the South as well (ha, ha, ha - kidding!)

And as a bonus story, an older friend told of her college days, when dancing Was Not Allowed, so her class put their heads together and held a formal roller skate event instead and a good time was had by all.

Heidi in Wa said...

Yes, they are cooking in those outfits. Our family reenacted for a long time and then scouts and 4-H + a husband who travels for work + a mom who liked camping but was tired of doing it in ALL THOSE CLOTHES = let's do something else for summer, shall we please.

I am glad you had a good time.
Heidi (friend of Patty)

Kathy said...

ugh sorry the pneumonia is still giving troubles. Do hope you will feel better soon.
The re-enactment sounds like a lot of fun! I need to find one of those around here...but hope I can find one during cool fall weather.