Wednesday, September 14

Bring Out Your Dead!

I tossed Monty Python and the Holy Grail into our Netflix queue for this weekend. The Boy Scout Camporee this fall is going to be Holy Grail themed.

I'm torn between feeling this is a *wildly* inappropriate theme for Boy Scouts, and being really, really excited, because the itinerary sounds like a total blast. (There will be a killer rabbit!) It's hard to balance reverence/irreverence, sometimes.

Anyway, the boys haven't seen more than a few clips here and there, and the weekend will be significantly more fun if they've seen the movie. (I knew this would be an issue as the Scoutmaster mentioned the activities, and others in the room promptly chimed in with pertinent quotes from the movie. The boys looked most confused when somebody asked if they'll have a duck for the weighing of the witch. So, ok, yeah, that makes zero sense if you haven't seen the movie.)

I suspect Zorak will take the three littles fishing, if only to get out of having to sit through an entire Monty Python movie. (I know! The poor man. I can barely remember plot lines from important movies we've actually seen together. You would not believe how often he'll quote a line and I'll tell him, "Hey, that sounds like an interesting movie. We should watch it." And yet, I can still quote entire swaths of Monty Python, which I haven't watched to any extent in 25+ years. I don't know why he loves me, but I'm glad he does!) Also, I'm looking forward to sharing something with the boys that *I* remember first discovering in my youth. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did.

Kiss those babies!


Anonymous said...

I cant believe you dont OWN MP&HG. Tho I admit- *I* leave the room. but Dh loves to watch it with the boys


Heidicrafts said...

My lad and his dad watched Holy Grail a few years back, when the lad was in middle school.

The one caveat was when they got to Castle Anthrax, my DH hit mute and followed along with French subtitles (which DH knows and DS does not). We saved *that* conversation for another time.


Dy said...

LOL, Shannon!

Heidi, that is the exact scene I skipped! :-D I hit the "chapter skip" button. James asked me why I didn't just ffwd over the awkward parts, and blushed when I told him the whole scene is awkward parts. I wish I'd thought of muting it, but I couldn't remember how bad the visuals were.