Wednesday, August 24

Summer fun

This summer has been surprisingly fun. I think the water-park-in-lieu-of-baseball deal helped with that. Two kids have improved their swimming tremendously, two kids have learned to swim at all, and the small one no longer shrieks to high heaven if he's in water over his ankles. The paler among us have muscled through the initial vague yellowing that usually qualifies as "tan" in our home, and we all have pretty stellar Vitamin D levels. Not a bad gig, at all.

Sadly, the water park closes down during the weekdays, starting right about the time we can no longer pretend Summer isn't going to last forever. (Oh, we "know" it won't, but that's hard to believe halfway through August.) The park will close for the season after Labor Day, and then we will mark our calendars for next year's season pass sale, and begin looking forward to Autumn. This is the first year we haven't started looking forward to Autumn shortly after Mother's Day, though, so I can't be too sad.

The Cubs had their Awards Night tonight. It was a busy summer for all the boys, and they'd earned a ton of awards. This was my first Awards night since ending up as the Awards coordinator, but I thought it went well. We got almost everyone to use ScoutTrack, and we're cleaning up from an eight-month record-keeping limbo. I think it went very well, though, as we did not forget any boy or botch any awards. Yay! Our Cubmaster's wife is a bit of a Type A with a grand vision of where to take the Pack, and a panic-stricken horror of how to get there from here -- and she's stuck with me as the Awards Coordinator. If she drank, I'd buy her a flask. As it is, I'm just trying to learn how to use my soothing voice and not make any rapid movements. I think we'll eventually find a good groove, though. We've got good parents, wonderful boys, and plenty of room for everyone who wants to be involved. This is a great thing, and it's going to be a fantastic year.

And that's about all we've been doing this summer - Scouts, sickness, and the Water Park. I hope to have something more interesting to share here in a bit. Until now, though, that's pretty much it. Good stuff, though, in the big picture. We've thoroughly enjoyed the kids, in all their various stages and places. For that, I am thankful.

Kiss those babies!

Friday, August 19


I do love that show. But no, really, I thought we were well. We were well. Except, I had a cough that would not go away. At all. Finally, when sleeping upright in five minute spurts lost its novelty, I went in. Ha - pneumonia. Part of me was glad the doc didn't just tell me it's a virus and there's nothing he can do. (That's a typical Mom Fear, there. You hate to go in for a virus, knowing you could come home with Staph or Malaria or something and just have to go back later.) A (much larger) part of me was SO thankful it wasn't something Really Big And Scary (that would require biopsies and blood). And then a wee, small part of me had to roll its eyes and say, "Really, Dy? Way to go, there, dork." So, a short course of steroids and two weeks of antibiotics later, and we are back in business for real. And all the parts said, "WOOHOO!"

Fingers crossed, and all that.

We had Scouts today. The Bears made bird houses. BSA regulations limit Bears to using only hand tools, but they made the most of it and the houses turned out fantastically!

Our Webelos made the most amazing bat box. (He gets to use the power tools. He did a wonderful job.) He also did some research and taught the rest of us quite a bit about bats. Then Zorak filled us in on more neat things about bats and bat boxes. Now I want a bat box.

The siblings made pine cone bird feeders. The basement smells like the Chipmonk's cafeteria -- all cedar shavings and food.

We have a hike and a spelunking expedition planned for next month. I can hardly wait! There's been more, too, but the laundry calls and for some reason this dinner won't cook itself, so for now --

Kiss those babies!

Tuesday, August 2

Back to Business

Zorak fell to the crud this morning. The alarm went off, and I heard through the darkness, "My throat... oh god, I need sleep." Yep. That's pretty much it. Thankfully (sorry, Love), he didn't give in to it until this morning, which left him free last night to finish configuring the ventilation on the washer/dryer unit and put it back into place! If we were younger, or not sick, there would have been much fist bumping and booyah-ing. We settled for a test load of whites and satisfied nods. I'm still somewhat surprised that it doesn't feel as dull as it sounds.

Meanwhile, everyone else is healthy and mobile again. As much as I hate it when we catch a virus, I do so appreciate that they're short-lived and not life-threatening. SO thankful.

I had a follow-up with the periodontist today. Had all the body parts crossed, and set a few things on fire in the hope of getting good news. I told the hygienist I felt like a kid at exams, hoping to pass. Something worked -- I got the green light to see my regular, everyday dentist next week to get started on the very last leg of this whole process. (Then I squealed at the hygienist, "I passed!" She laughed. My very sweet, very proper perio only looked between us and muttered something along the lines of, "ok, then." I think he just knows intuitively it wouldn't be funny, even if we explained it.)

And really, I have no clue what else happened today. Been floating on the cloud of relief, hearing the sweet mantra of "almost done!" in my head. Good, good stuff. James gave me a mental high five for getting done just in time for him to start with the orthodontist. AAahhhhh!

Kiss those babies!

Monday, August 1

The Weekend That Wasn't

It's five in the morning. Monday morning, I believe. The last time I was relatively coherent was, um, Friday afternoon sometime. We had a night hike for Jacob's Pack that night. I'd even reminded Zorak that we had that "hike thing... somewhere". That should have been our first clue that the brain-body connection was going South. By the time one of the parents called to see if we were coming, I had to focus very hard on *who* she was, and *why* she was calling. I was on my way to bed with a box of tissues, some Mucinex, and the Kindle. I'm not really ready to face the week, but it's time. So here we are. On the upside, I love having a Kindle. When you fall asleep reading, it just bookmarks your spot and shuts itself down. *LOVE*

I'm pretty sure it's viral. EmBaby and John weren't feeling well last weekend - fever, sore throat, cough. James and Jacob gave in to it Thursday. Jase went down Friday. I'm not entirely sure Z will be at work today. We'll see.

The tile is IN the laundry closet, all grouted and done. It's so pretty. There's a drain, and a combing, and... no washer. Z figured this would be a good time to reconfigure the ventilation. I'm okay with that. Mostly. The timing isn't that great, to be honest. If it weren't near 100 every day, I wouldn't mind as much. If I were willing to deal with higher temps inside the house, I wouldn't mind as much. As it stands, though, the house is uncomfortably muggy and warm, and the electric bill is still going to be sky high. Timing. And presentation. Two very important things.

I don't know if we'll have full-on lessons today or not. Depends on who is sick and how sick they are. For now, though, I'm going to enjoy the relative cool of the morning and a cup of coffee.

Kiss those babies!