Sunday, December 21

I can't put photos up here, can I? Darn it, and *the other place* still owes me six months worth of pre-paid hosting. Grrrr. So how do we get that back if they have disappeared for good? *sigh*

I'm quite the growly bear tonight. Sorry.

For something more upbeat, did you know it's much easier to set a budget when you have an income? And it becomes a virtual cakewalk when your income exceeds your expenditures! Wow, and here I thought I was just very bad at math. Nope. It wasn't me this time. (Although, for the record, we've become quite well-versed in the art of creative mathematics for budgeting purposes while Zorak was in school.)

So, it's a time for goals. I don't set New Year's Resolutions. It's not that I've anything against them, really I don't. I just know that I am G-R-E-A-T out of the gate, and then I start wobbling and slipping and the next thing you know, I'm face down in a heaping pile of good intentions and self-depricating guilt. That's no good. So I go for goals. Yeah, they sound better, you can extend deadlines, and they're more just suggestions if you get really desperate.

Ewww- the cranky baby is no longer cranky, but he smells awful. Be back later to talk about goals!

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