Tuesday, October 12

Santa Daddy, and Life in General

Last night I watched Zorak smile widely and eat an entire handful of Veggie Stix, which he despises, one "delightful" bite at a time. He simply could not refuse the deleriously happy baby who was feeding them to him. The smile was worth fighting the gag reflex.

As if that wasn't sexy enough, tonight he came home from work bearing gifts:

Thera-Flu for Mommy
Honker Horns for the boys' bikes (one b/c James' broke when he wrecked a few months ago, and the other b/c John needed one for his bike)
Fuzzy fleece hoodies for the small children who have both outgrown their jackets from last fall
Tissues with lotion in them even though he may accidentally wipe his glasses with one and get the lenses all smeary
Cough Drops! Oh, ambrosia!

And he didn't make fun of me for the seriously lame dinner my oxygen-deprived brain came up with! WOOHOO!

Oh yeah, he is very, very cool.


My "how to do stuff" book was written by evil sadists. The first page explains how to cast on, knit, purl. The next page begins, "How knit with four needles" WHAT?!?! Tell me I've missed something- a page fell out of the book or something! Sheesh.

I've decided, by golly, that I will get this knitting thing figured out. I've known how for a long time, but have never been very good at it. I made a scarf for my niece once. It was six feet long and varied from 5" wide to 13" wide, depending entirely on how tightly I knitted. In some places it was waterproof! Of course, if I can overcome the horrible Home Ec sewing accident of 1984, what with the fingernail and the skirt and the shrieking and the failing... I'm pretty sure I can move beyond the scarf incident, too.

I am, however, really glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks it's just far easier to keep track of one needle, one stitch, and it all moves on its own! Voila!


Not much else going on here- quiet day, great game of dominoes after supper, warm lavender baths for the wee ones. Jeans in the wash, kitchen looks great. I'm going to go wrestle with some crafty form of activity and then hit the hay. (Switched out the sheets to flannel last night- oh, I do love Fall!)

Kiss those babies!


Donna Boucher said...

Your husband sounds very wonderful!

Keep practicing and your stitches WILL improve!
Fuzzy yarns like the ones I just used are very forgiving.
Is there anyone you can get together with to knit a bit?
I would love for you and the kids to come over in the afternoon for some knitting! Katie would adore your boys!

Amy said...

You do have a good hubby. FYI, if you are sick enough to need Theraflu, then you have no business cleaning a kitchen. And, ummm, you know that wonderful fall smell that everyone's been going on and on about lately? It's the smell of everything dying! Flannel sheets, bah humbug...

Amy, who is grumpily mourning the summer-that-wasn't in Texas

Anonymous said...

If I can learn to knit, you can as well. More incentive to get your butt out my way. Dad taught me to knit (mom taught me to crotchet) so I'm sure that you guys could go up to Browning, stop and knit on the way... you get the idea :-)


Anonymous said...

Feel healthy soon! I learned to crochet thanks to my Ob-Gyn. He put me on bedrest my first pregnancy. I went from his office to Michael's and bought some yarn, a hook and about 5 different books. It just takes practice. Hang in there!

Concierge Services

Anonymous said...

Feel healthy soon! I learned to crochet thanks to my Ob-Gyn. He put me on bedrest my first pregnancy. I went from his office to Michael's and bought some yarn, a hook and about 5 different books. It just takes practice. Hang in there!

Concierge Services