Thursday, January 14

Delayed Response

I tried to post this yesterday from my phone, but my figurative VCR clock is still blinking on that thing, and I couldn't make it work. I may have inadvertently sent a death threat to Putin, though, so... yeah. Remember my Come Find Me post? Totally counts, even if the no-longer-KGB is involved, okay?

So, we got our order in from Yesterday's Classics. The boys perused the books on the way into town. When we arrived at the music store, Smidge held up a book and said, "Mom, we need to add this to my school!"

I looked up to see what he was talking about. Fifty Famous Stories Retold, by James Baldwin. He loves it. He read the first two stories on the drive! Score!!!

Kiss those babies!


Amy said...

Very nice. You can tell who's raising Smidge.

I've sent exactly one text message in my life. And it took several tries. VCR, heck ya.

melissa said...

Love, Love, Love Yesterdays Classics! I think I may have gotten that link from you originally. Awww...Smidge...what a good feeling. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous moment? Who rocks? Mama Teacher ~!!

Thanks for sharing
