I love winter. It brings quiet times. For years, I fought the rhythm of this time, trying to maintain the hectic, hurried pace of the Holiday Season. But that is some serious crazy-making, there. The past few years, I've chloroformed my not-so-inner control-freak shortly after New Year's Eve, picked up the notepad and favorite pen, and turned toward this time of quiet.
Once I quit fighting it, I found hidden, special times I'd missed before -- times of routine, and waiting. Times of quiet work, and preparation. Times for taking stock and weeding out the clutter. Plus, all that down-time for planning feeds my inner list-making-freak.
Well, ok, "quiet" is mainly metaphorical. But still. This is good. Spring will come soon, and with it, the endless list of things that Must Be Done Right Then - the pruning and planting, grading and mulching, sewing and painting, building and fixing. We won't have time to stop and breathe much, then. But right now, I plan to take the deep breaths, read the extra chapter, bake another loaf, have another cup. And enjoy the quiet.
Kiss those babies!
Yes, I guess the hush is the nice thing about winter. That and the blue. Winter light is beautifully, amazingly, blue.
I like this. And I think it is true.
Mmmm...poetic....and wise...very, very wise.
Thank you sooo much for sharing. and reminding:)
Very wise, Dy. I'm not a big fan of winter, but it nice to hunker down under a cozy throw and just be.
Enjoy your quiet.
Sounds like an awesome plan to me.
Thanks Dy!
The snow and cold was getting to me. Thanks for reminding me of the good things in this season.
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