Saturday, April 26

Smidge's First T-Ball Game

Well, according to him, the highlights were as follows:
We got NAX!
Ours team did WON!
Did you see my NAX?!
He made several good hits, and stayed on top of things... for the most part...

There was a small wardrobe malfunction at one point...
But in the end, it was all good. HOME! SCORE!
And did I mention they had snacks after the game? Yup. This is the big times, and he is on top of the world.

Sadly, I ended up missing the whole game. EmBaby was napping, so Zorak took the boys. She had just awoken and we were going to head out, when Zorak called to say John's practice wasn't a practice, it was a game. He needed his uniform! (That meant I needed to find all the parts to his uniform. Next year, I want the uniforms to be glow-in-the-dark shirts and pants, with blinking belts.) We got John his uniform and just as we pulled out to head to Smidge's game, Zorak called to say it was over. *sigh* This is when I think there could be advantages to time travel, astral projection, or good, old-fashioned cloning. (joking! I'm joking!) However, Smidge was so excited to have the snacks, the win, and the promise of future games, that he forgave me for missing his Very First Game. Ah, we're so blessed! I get to make it up to him on Tuesday.

Good stuff, this.
Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

He looks SO cute out there!

Anne said...

That first picture is ADORABLE!! Now I can't wait for my son's first tee ball game.

Melora said...

Yay Smidge! Looks like he had a great time. NAX are the high point here too.

Consent of the Governed said...

Dy - Your kids are gorgeous!

mere said...

Oh, that is so cute!

I think glow in the dark with blinking belt lights would be fabulous! Especially for night games.

I've got pics up! Enjoy!


J-Lynn said...

Oh he's SOOOOO cute!!!I thought NAX was a baseball term until I read further on. LOL

Konkadoo said...

That is just too cute. How does one stand it?

L said...

A big chorus of AWWWWWWW! He is SO adorable!! coming from me and the girls.

Happy spring!

Mom2legomaniacs said...

He's adorable! Nax. LOL!

Oh and Tag, you're it. Stop by my place to play, okay!

Crissy said...

Nax?! That is, with out a doubt, the best part of baseball until they reach the age of 10 or so.

Great pictures. Smidge is such a doll!

Lollygaggin' Outdoors said...

OK, I really want to squeeze him!! He is just the cutest kid! Please, just go squeeze him for me :)

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

OMGoodness, those pics are adorable.