Saturday, April 19


Or, more accurately, "paparazzo", since it's just me, stalking the poor little guy. Considering he's immobile, I think he's tolerating the whole thing quite well. He goes from unsuspecting, to irritated (the pre-flash green light on the camera seems to get to him), to resigned and then... hey, what's that over there? (aka - ignoring me) in no time at all! What a pro!

And yes, I do snug up the straps on the seat. With the weather as wonky as it is lately, however, I never know how many layers he'll have on when we leave the house, so I loosen the straps and then adjust them after he's in. Much easier than trying to loosen straps around an irate newborn who has been stuffed into too-tight straps, believe me. This way, it's only the green light from the camera flash that makes him furrow his little, invisible brows.
Kiss those babies!


Amy said...

What beautiful little guy! And yep, still definitely one of your clan!

Amber said...

What a cutie! I love those little furrows, they are adorable.

mere said...

OH he is soooo cute. Just. So. CUTE!

Sarah Jane says "Bay-beeee!!!" whenever she sees him. She thinks babies are fascinating. She's right-- they are.

Gosh, he's almost a month old!

Give him a peck for me!


Urban Mom said...

Too, too cute!

J-Lynn said...

lOL he's sooooooooooooo sweet! and he looks so alert and wise! ;-)

melissa said...

Oh. My. Gosh he's a cute baby!!! you ever put him down??? He's absolutely adorable.
BTW- loved talking with you last night.. you crack me up....always good stuff, girl!

Needleroozer said...

Happy squeal! He is so very sweet, and I loved hearing your little Mouse over the phone today.
Another squeal! I get to hold him soon! I am so very excited! I promise to give him and all of the littles at Dy's house many hugs for all y'all.

Jules said...

Adorable! :)