Tuesday, January 25

Sidebar Stuff

Y'all may notice some changes in the sidebar. I'm trying to clear out dead links, and streamline the process (make it rico y suave). Obviously, I'm still working on it.

I have deleted two blogs because I simply cannot ever get their pages to load. They're great blogs (and I spend HOURS there the once or twice a year that I can trick my computer into accessing the pages), but I just can't get there from here. So, Modus Operandi and Homeschooling 101, I miss you guys, and please know that taking you off the sidebar was nothing personal at all. If I could find a way to subscribe to your blogs and get them in email, I'd do it in a heartbeat. :-(


1 comment:

Sheila said...

Thanks for adding me. I'm up late. ZooDad is out of town once again. Joy :p