Wednesday, January 12

Get Comfy- I have creamer!

Yes, I'm back to my 1200 calorie per day addiction. I'm good with it and Zorak doesn't seem to care. I suppose it's better than bon bons, right?

First things first:
I've noticed some new faces here on the front porch, and wanted to give you all a proper welcome! I'm glad you've come to visit. The coffee's always hot (and a kettle is always on for tea), and you're welcome to come and visit. I look forward to getting to know y'all more. As you've probably noticed, we're terribly informal here: kick your shoes off, grab a cup, and curl up on the porch swing. Share your favorite stories and join right in!

Our Wonderful Neighbor offered a lift to the market tonight if we needed to pick up anything. After thinking it over (hmmm, cleaned out the fridge completely before leaving for vacation, made one run to the market for eggs and milk when we pulled in, yup we're out of e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g...), I took her up on the offer.

We had so much fun, just she, the Smidge and I! It's been a long time since grocery shopping wasn't an orchestrated event, timed for optimal blood sugar levels and nominal sleep deprivation in the wee ones. We laughed and joked. We perused! Man, I haven't perused in the market in years! I got out of there with twelve bags of groceries for $40, and it didn't feel like it took very long at all!

The boys will be thrilled to have fresh fruit with breakfast tomorrow, too.

Zorak has rediscovered an old hobby this week: he's carving. Earlier in the week, he carved a ball inside a hanging cage. He saw a picture once and figured it out from there. (I'm tellin' ya, I am RCA puppy! I have no clue how he can do that!) Tonight he's making a camel. It's beautiful.

He can also weld a truly beautiful bead and decorate the most delicate, ornate wedding cakes. He swears the two skills are connected and are linked directly to manual dexterity.

Whatever it is, I don't have it- I'm pretty much stuck with the blunt force hobbies such as cooking (ok, cooking the way *I* do it, but then I'm not known for my cooking), basic use of power tools, and the occasional (poorly played) round of racquetball.

Tomorrow is our Friday, as we use a four-day school week. It's been a great first week back, and we're having a lot of fun. We have a little tweaking to do. I need to encourage more activity in our routine. Not that I mind having children who sit still for lessons, but to be honest, I think they are just humoring me for some of it and I'd like to draw them into the lessons a bit. There's nothing etched in stone that says we can't compromise and find a blend that truly works well for all of us. Quite the opposite, actually. We're doing this our way so we can, well, do it our way! I just love that.

That's about all for now. The guys at Aamco (which I cannot spell without saying the commercial in my head) have the tranny apart, but they don't know what they're going to do with it. I am praying we have it back by Friday, as we have an appointment with a lender on Friday. We'd kinda like to make that... I hope they figure it out soon!

I'm going to tidy up a bit and prepare for tomorrow. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day and around here, we nab 'em when they come! So we're schooling in the yard and taking some nature walks! Maybe we'll spend some time sketching, too, if the weather holds.

Kiss those babies!


J-Lynn said...

Up waiting for the Ibruprofen to kick in, darn tooth woke me up. Glad I had something new to read. :-)

I'm glad you and WN had such a fun time! Good friends and laughter are SO important!

Zorak is simply amazing, can we see pics of the masterpieces?

Hugs, sounds like you're having a good week...

J-Lynn said...

Oh and I forgot to tell you - I have the MONSTER size Amaretto creamer and a smaller bottle of Vanilla Nut, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm heaven! Almost makes me like morning!

Sheila said...

Ok, I need shopping advice from you. I can't even fathom how to get 12 bags of groceries for $40. Please, please, share the skills!

We've had weather in the 70's all week so we've been deck schooling where at all possible.
Love it!

Julie D. said...

I have to agree that I'm floored by 12 bags of groceries for $40 ... what was in there?

Claudia said...

I am with the ladies on the groceries. And Zorak does wedding cakes? Really? That's cool.

Dy said...

LOL- we eat a lot of beans and tortillas... it's residual from the years Zorak was in college. Oats and fruit and beans. Good stuff. However, this wasn't exactly skill- I was just as surprised as y'all were when it rang up. I looked at WN and said, "WOW! I did pretty well tonight!" She laughed and said she was thinking the same thing. We don't know how it happened. ;-)

Claudia- yeah, didn't you see pictures of the wedding cakes Charles has made? He rocks. Personally, though, I still like our BUND-T cake from Sam's party the best. You know, with the hole in it, for the flowers. I MISS YOU!!!