Tuesday, September 21

Missing Zorak

It's quiet. I didn't realize how much we talk together. Our conversations and banter feel so natural that for the most part it goes unnoticed until it's gone. Then it's awfully quiet. He's such a great conversationalist- witty, funny, sarcastic, occasionally smarmy, but always warm and honest.

It's also really cold. Now, listing this as one reason to miss him in no way intimates that he could be replaced by a hot water bottle. Not by a long shot! But that is one definite perk. If I can outlast him by about four minutes, my side of the bed is warm. Yup. Not necessarily a bonus in the summer, but sure would be nice this evening!

He smells really nice and gives the best hugs. I am a geek, yes, and am wearing his shirt. I can't get a hug right now, but this is close.

I also used his coffee mug today. :-)

Wow, it's almost funny to think he's got me thinking and acting like a twitterpated school girl.

What am I saying? When it comes to him, I feel like a twitterpated school girl! After ten years, it's still a wonderful feeling!

The boys sure will be glad when he's home, too. They miss him the most in the evenings, when he is generally there to wrestle and read after bath. We talk a lot about Daddy during the day, about what he does and why, about how Daddy would handle this situation or that situation.

They know Daddy will always pick the morally right choice, even when it's not the easy choice. They know Daddy will always help the underdog. They know Daddy loves them and misses them even when he's far away. They know Daddy is so smart~ he's the smartest, bestest, biggest, lovey-est Daddy in their whole wide world!

Yep, Zorak is loved and missed.


Dy said...

Beth, you haven't seen Bambi? In the springtime, when all the animals start courting, they get twitterpated- enamoured with and all wrapped up in- their intended ones. (Although I am completely guessing on the spelling!)

Thanks. He really is the love of a lifetime. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dy, you're making me all teary eyed!! Perhaps I'm PMS-ing or something. What a beautiful blog today. That you have such high regard and love for your husband is truly a blessing to me! May the time of your separation from one another pass quickly!

Kim in ON

Anonymous said...

I'm reminding you of this post the next time he pisses you off and you want to serve his liver for dinner ;-)

XOXO Heather