Monday, September 20

Oh, today was nice!

Our Wonderful Neighbor was right- the weather today was absolutely perfect! It was just gorgeous, and of course, we had to go play in it. The boys rode their bikes and built a "shelter" among the trees (there's a nip of forest-like stuff at the edge of the property, with plenty of deadfall for small children to enjoy and make stuff with), and just sat and visited with us moms. Just beautiful. I love this time of year!

We're enjoying the redesigned family room upstairs, too- it's got great natural light, there's plenty of creative space for three boys to romp and play, and room for all of us to negotiate around during lessons. It's not really a large space at all, but the right furniture did wonders for its usability.

Zorak arrived safe and sound. He called to chat a bit and say goodnight to the boys. I'd forgotten the quiet void that one of us being gone creates. We are actually glad for this opportunity with his work, and I think he'll enjoy the work itself... but we both said we're really glad he didn't take a position with a lot of travel. That's something we've both done in the past, and it's a whole different ball game pre-children. Ah, in the meantime, we'll just cruise along and try to keep the pace. He'll be home much sooner than we first thought, so that was nice to hear.

We went to the library this evening, just before supper. That's really a nice time to go- we've never been in the evening before. The boys got to watch one of the volunteers clean the big fish tank, and the guy was great- he explained the tool he was using, let them touch it, played with them. Wow. And they both remembered to say "Thank you" when we headed on in to the books. We stocked up on wonderful books- some old favorites, some new surprises. Eats, Shoots and Leaves came in, too! WOOHOO! So after I'm done here, I'm going to curl up and do a little learnin'.

I do owe y'all an apology- I got sucked in and broke my own rule- don't talk to strangers. So, for my part in the unpleasantness on the blog recently, I do apologize to you (the innocent bystanders, friends, family, the ones I ought to be talking to) and I will remember my own rule in the future. Please forgive me.

Let's see, what else is going on over here? Not too much. With Autumn on its way, things always look a lot brighter. There's just something about the crisp air, the light breeze, the incredible shade of blue in the sky... it puts a spring in our steps and whispers that there is something amazing around every corner, in every meeting, in the daily to-do, even. We really love the fall.

Tomorrow will be a day of library books spread out all over the living room, music playing in the background, and time spent just hanging out enjoying one another. Someone used the term "cocooning" to describe what I've been feeling, and I think that sums it up really well. There are tides and seasons to everyone's life, and if we listen to the rythm of those cycles, things go much more smoothly, more enjoyably. Incredible things happen inside cocoons! And a time of emergence follows shortly after... good stuff, this life.

Wrap your arms around those sweet babies and breathe in the love!



Anonymous said...

Dy dearest its Sherri...

I just got your note on my blog but I cant recall your email address :o(

Email me at aptghomeschool AT hotmail DOT com please



How is the cocooning going?

J-Lynn said...

Sounds like a great day Dy! I think the "cocooning" may be the weather changing, the seasons turning. Preparing for the winter and tired of fluttering about in the hot summer months. When the holidays come we will start to stretch our wings once more and get through the hustle and bustle and rest again until Spring when it starts all over again. Fall and winter is perfect for snuggling at home with the wee ones with hot cocoa in one hand and a great "Little House" book in the other, sharing the great adventures...

Hugs - I miss you...
