Saturday, September 18

*shhhh* It's a Surprise!

Well, we are having a surprise party for James today. It's definitely going to be a surprise. He wrote up invitations for his actual birthday and distributed them about- "Monday at 2:34 PM"...

I love how kids need to have very specific, detailed things. Dates and places are of utmost importance to them. "How about the fourth Tuesday of 2005?" or "Can we go at ten twenty-one AM on every Monday?" I don't know where they get these things, but I suspect it's from their growing grasp of the detail of time, and the power to determine the when and how of their schedules. We try to accomodate, but sometimes it's hard. "Mom, can we get ice cream from the ice cream truck every six years on a Thursday?"

This bizarre weather seems to have thrown everyone a bit off. Not only did James sleep like the proverbial baby (the one I didn't have), but so did Jacob, who slept from two until six-thirty the other day and was back out at nine. All three boys were out cold last night and didn't get up until eight this morning. I hope it's the weather, at any rate! If it's not, I'm going to worry that they're up to something. Might be a good idea to scout the house for hidden "experiments" and the random apple core, just in case.

This morning we found 24 teeny tiny snails on the back patio. That's been today's excitement, and we've learned what they eat, how they reproduce, and just how badly it grosses Mom out when you show up at the back door with a snail crawling up your arm.

Have a lovely day!

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