Thursday, August 30


I keep geeking out about co-op. Do you know why? Because it's amazing! Good structured time, followed by good free time, with food thrown in. That's a poor narration, as I'm sure Miss Mason would have observed, but I'm still processing it and thinking deeply about it. So that's all I've got, really.

It's a large group, and they'll likely want to divide up into slightly smaller groups if it continues to grow. But the people are amazing, and the instruction is delightful. If I can ever get John squared away, we'll have so many neat things to do at home that springboard off the topics and activities covered in class.

Everybody's getting brown from being outside so much (except me, I just get a darker shade of yellow - it's not jaundice, just a lucky roll of the pigmented dice).

So, that's ... actually, I started this at some point, and then people. So much talking and processing, and really, that's the work that's on their plates right now.

- How does this work?
- Where does this go?
- How do you not know, either?
- This is weird.
- Can I just put it here and we'll say this is where it goes, now?
- Know what I saw?
- Did you hear that bird? See that bunny? Watch that hawk?
- Come see the sky! (It's always doing something different.)

So that's where a good bulk of my time goes in the day. It's time well spent.

And the co-op really is amazing, but that will have to wait for another day.

Be encouraged!
~ Dy

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