Monday, June 14

Wow, You Worked A Lot!

James came home from Scout camp on Saturday. It was hard to have him gone, and wonderful to have him back. (Yes, we're working toward them being okay leaving home, and us being okay with it, too. Still, that first time is a kicker!) I was anxious to hear about his week. For him, it was good, but the stories need to percolate a bit before they come to the surface. What he did say, however, was, "Wow, you worked a lot! It's like the house went on a changing binge as soon as I left!"

*blink* What?!? It was a quiet week. John and Jacob went to Day Camp. Jason napped in the car. Emily and I had tea parties. Not a particularly productive week, I thought.

Not really, Mom. The chickens got big enough to move. And now they're at the barn.

The garden grew enough that you're harvesting stuff out of it.

The blackberries have all turned red!

Jason's talking more. Emily's making her own bed.

*sigh* Everything's changed in just a week.

Yeah, yeah it has, kiddo.

Kiss those babies!


Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

How neat to get that kind of "outside" perspective. Also neat that he's so observant.

Dy said...

Yes. That was such a special gift, to see the home and the week from his perspective.

What's funny, too, is that he doesn't see that he's changed over the week. But he has. Recalibrated, if nothing else. It was good for him. (Although I still suspect they stretched him! I swear he was smaller when we dropped him off...)

Melora said...

Awww! Sounds like the missing was mutual!
And your garden Is beautiful.

Jenni said...

Aw, sweet. I think it shows how much he missed you guys while he was gone. Sure, he had fun, but he's excited to see everything that happened at home.

Gosh your garden looks good! I had an epic garden fail. Something ate everything before I could figure out what it was or what to do about it. Now I'm trying to figure out how I should do things differently next year--like maybe buying my vegetables at the store. Just kidding. Sorta.

Dy said...

Thanks, guys. That's the "good half" of the garden - the compliant photogenic one. The other side has played musical seeds and incredible disappearing root stock all season. Just when I gave up on tomatoes for the year, we got a dozen plants, cleverly disguised as weeds. The spacing, lone, is what convinced us they were tomatoes. Nutso!

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh...Philosopher man?:)

That garden is gorgeous. Mine looks anemic in comparison. Good thing I have the rainy cool northwest to blame...we won't see blackberries until July or August!

Enjoy it all ~
