Wednesday, May 29

That 11th Hour...

Our deadline for submitting the Troop's cancellation for Camp came at noon on Monday. We had no one to fill in. We needed to cancel. Of course, nobody wrote the letter, and normally, I'd be torqued, except that that evening we had friends over. I heard one of the kids (:snort: Kid - he's 18, an Eagle Scout, works his tail off, and is very responsible - but in my head, he's a "kid", I know, I'm getting old and weird) -- anyway, heard him say that he had to leave on X date to get some time in visiting family and friends before Staff had to report at Camp SomethingOrOther. Hmmm...

So... when is Camp SomethingOrOther?

It's the week after yours. (I'm paraphrasing, but that's basically how it played out.)

Would you like an all expenses paid trip to the lovely mountains of Camp TheOneWeGoTo, *and* get to be A Hero for saving Camp? :eyebrow waggle: (Not paraphrasing. I was desperate and gave him the full pitch.)

He laughed at me and said yes. (He really did laugh. I've mentioned he's a great ki-- erm, guy. But also, he said YES!)

So, WOOHOO! Once again, that Blessed 11th Hour came through. We now have two adults for camp and meet all the requirements of the BSA.

That means we should probably consider packing sometime this week...

And, I think I overbought on groceries. The Littles could live for a month on what it takes to feed the Bigs for a couple of days. The last time the Bigs were gone, I cooked one meal and the three of us ate off it for the whole weekend.

But, CAMP! Yay!

Kiss those babies!


Kathy said...

Yay! Hope your guys have a great time at camp!

My boy decided not to go to scout camp this year :( He wants to do marching band, and there will be 6 weeks of practice. He wanted to have a little vacation time.

Heidi said...

Hooray for Camp!
My lad completed his Eagle Board of Review last night. :)
I hope your lack of posts is due to more Classic Adventures and that all is well.

Kathy said...

Hope you all are ok and enjoying your summer!

Anonymous said...

Hi Dy - I come here periodically to see how you and the kiddos are doing. Are you guys ok?

- Gretchen (from Maryland/Parentsplace)

Kathy said...

Thinking of you...hope all is well with you and your family.