Tuesday, February 3

Happy Tuesday!

No special reason. It just sounds like fun.

Today is the Day of the Paperwork. It's official, and it is as scary as it sounds. I've got to call all our doctors and ask them to print out a list of our visits and payments over 2008 so I can pick them up while I'm in town later this week, find two missing birth certificates, go pay the water bill, get two of five registered for baseball (thank God it's only two!), and then try to have supper ready in time for me to slip out for a church meeting tonight.

I don't really think I can do it, either. But look, it's "Happy Tuesday". Year of Joy. Good thoughts. It's not the end result that matters, it's the effort you put forth. Or something like that. Haven't worked out all the details of the pep talk yet, but that's okay. Mere details. Nothing more.

Sometime in the next month or so, I'm also going to have to carve out time and cash to buy new materials for school. Dang. That went quickly. We are finally ready for Story of the World Vol. III. (THREE!) I'm so excited to find out what happens next. *grin* The boys are ready for new math books. And we are all ready for some new literature. It's been a good school year. Time to start anew and move forward, though. Very exciting.

Well, I've got fresh coffee, the kitchen's clean and the dishwasher is running. The kids won't starve. Fire's hot. Looks like I can't put it off any longer. So, I'm going into the filing cabinet. If I'm not back by Friday, send snacks.

Kiss those babies!


Melora said...

I hope the Day of Paperwork goes well, and all is accomplished. Having new school books to look forward to Is fun. One of my favorites.
I loved the beach pictures!

Amy said...

YOU have a good attitude. I often have to take to my bed at the thought of such paperwork. Then I realize Bud's not falling for it and wont' do it for me, so I get up.

Happy Tuesday! I like it.

It's good to know (in a twisted sort of way) that someone else is taking just as long to get through the first history cycle. We're on SOTW III, chapter 8. I hope that Luke will get through the history cycle once before I graduate him. Lofty goals, lofty goals.

Jenni said...

On my to do list for today: filing papers that have been stashed in my desk and stacked in an empty kitchen cabinet. Why is filing so difficult? Why do I have such trouble determining which papers I can part with? Why do I not have a secretary yet? Why?

Urban Mom said...

And where exactly did the term "non-working mom" come from? Or even "stay-at-home mom?" From someone without a clue, obviously. Good work today!

I'm starting to collect things bit by bit to start U-Kid's 1st grade year in September. (including SOTW I) It's kind of fun looking into everything.

H said...

This is completely unrelated to your post, but I saw this photo and thought of you. :)


Dy said...

ROFL, Hillary. That's funny!

Well, I accomplished some of it. Very Little, to be honest. The Netflix went in the mail, though, so that's something.

Since the copy of John's birth certificate that we have isn't even a "certified" copy, I went ahead and ordered one. Hopefully it'll arrive in time. I'll keep looking in the meantime. As it stands now, the only one I can find is for the one kid who isn't playing this year.

Got the water bill paid and the doctors called. But the certificates were my achilles' heel today. Just did me in.

Amy said...

Hey, are you Weekend Warrioring with me this week? I know you have a project. You ALWAYS have a project.