Tuesday, September 23


Sorry to have been so quiet. We've been sorting the recycling. (It's very important, you know.)

However, we had a lovely weekend. Picked more pears. Apples still aren't ripe. Had a birthday (it'll get it's own post, though - that's a special part of it). Weather's been gorgeous. Life is good.

That's about all I've got at the moment. I find that I can't really write when I'm not a-l-o-n-e, and we're now going on nearly two weeks that I have not been a-l-o-n-e. Ever. It's shocking, really. But even now, I stayed up so late, and although they're all sleeping, and I am, technically alone, I'm also exhausted. Somehow, the internal ability to focus somewhat disrupts the benefits of not having external interruptions. Go figure.

So, night! I'll be back this week, though. Honest. :-)

Kiss those babies!

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