Friday, June 8

Warning: Dirty-Faced Child Photos

Ten days, four children, 1000 miles.

High desert, low desert, windy plains.

Gorgeous blooms, and equally stunning sinus reactions.

Water at a premium.

Just so ya know. My children were not clean when most of these photos were taken.

Yeah, I could've taken wipes and given each one a quick swipe before clicking away. But short of hooking up some kind of vacuum system to Emily's face, there was no helping that. Besides, I've only got two arms, and they were busy holding the camera and the coffee. Gotta have priorities.

I know dirty-child photos make some people cringe. My children were dirty during the filming of these shots. So, you've been warned. :-)



Bridget said...

I love the pictures. I can't believe how big Emily has gotten. It's really funny, I've never met you in person but I feel like I know you. I refer to you when I talk about the blogs as "You know, Dy, my friend who has the blog I read".

Needleroozer said...

Well, I for one absolutely LOVE dirty-faced children! Bring it on!

Needleroozer said...

We all made it home safely. I blogged about it.
Hugs, and thanks for the support. Seems silly now, but at the time......

Laney said...

Dirty children pictures, especially yours, always make me smile.

Hmmm, that comment *could* be interpreted badly. *grin*


Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Oh, she's so cute. :) And if I wait for clean faces to take pictures, it probably won't happen until the boys are twenty. I swear Joshua is dirty two minutes after I get him out of the tub. I don't know how he does it.

Rebel said...

I laughed out loud at some of your pics causing hubby to come see what I was doing. He thinks Emily is adorable.