Thursday, April 26

They Played!

The rain continued to come down for most of the morning. Then the clouds parted, Noah kicked the animals back off the ark, walked out onto the field himself, and determined it was a fine day for a game. So at 5:30, John's team played their first game of baseball.

We got pummeled. There was an inordinate amount of spinning and picking and leaping out there on our team's part. BUT ya know, I wouldn't trade teams for the world. The team we played against has an uber-competitive coach. They've been focused to win during all this practice time. Win. Win Big. Win Now. And the umpire (referee? the guy calling the shots) turned out to be another uber-competitive guy in the same Circle of Trust as the other team's coach, which didn't help any.

The other team scored two runs on us because of a foul ball the ref. didn't call. It was clearly foul. Our kids didn't make a play with it because they all thought it was dead. The other kids kept running (at their coaches' insistance), and the ref let the runs stand. No, that didn't sit well. But honestly, I don't think John's team would have won even with a fair call by the ref. The other team did have it together, and they played their hearts out. They did a good job, and we cheered the little guys for all their hard work.

Sure, I'd love to see our little guys win a game, but as they work toward that goal, I'm quite happy with the other things they're learning on this team. They even got it together enough in the last inning to pull off a couple of impressive plays. They cheered each other on. When all was said and done, they shook hands with the other team like champs, congratulated the team on a good win, and huddled together for the post-game pep talk. Their coach found a lot of positives to share with them, and they left on a positive note.

I think tomorrow we need to make something for the coaches. Today highlighted just how fortunate we are to have the group we do to model, guide, and in general, compliment the things Zorak and I try to teach every day. I can't say how much it means to know the boys are seeing examples outside the family of the values we hold up as Good. Yep. Good stuff.

Kiss those babies!


Needleroozer said...

Cool! Way, way cool!
It really does help to have someone else reaffirm what we are trying to teach, doesn't it?

It really chaps my hiney that some of my son's peers and their parents tell him how SORRY they are for him that we don't have a gaming system, or cable tv, or whatever. No help whatsoever.

Jennie C. said...

Congratulations on a game well played!

Anonymous said...

I had to go to all my kid brother's Little Leage games. For years, all the boys cared about was whether or not they'd get their post-game snowcone. I was mainly there for the frito-chili pie.

Jenni said...

Yay! You got the good team! And good for you for cheering for the other team, too. I hate it when adults make it such a huge competition that they're willing to boo and curse at little kids or consider them their mortal enemies for beating their kid's team. They're just kids, for Pete's sake!

There are a couple of gymnasts whose names we dread seeing in the program, but they do a beautiful job and we cheer them on even if they place above dd. How can you be mad at a 10yo little girl for putting her heart and soul into what she's doing and trying to be the best?

LB, sometimes I feel sorry for the kids who have all that stuff. I don't say it, of course. Some of those kids have got to have all the latest gadgets or they're sure they'll just die. They don't know how to enjoy the simple things. They're bored easily and expect to be entertained. They lack creativity. They're usually not as healthy, either. (I'm speaking of the ones who spend all their time playing video games and watching TV, not anyone who has a video game.)

melissa said...

Awww....Have I mentioned that Jack's team didn't win ONE GAME last year?

It's quite a bit more intense in the game situation, isn't it?

Tell John to keep hitting that ball! Hitting one over the fence sure does perk up a team!

Anonymous said...

heh. i spend almost every game just yelling RUN..... either for my kids to run or to tell my kids to watch out for the urnner! Lol. those fly balls are tricky!

Ernest said...

I started sports late as a kid. We lived way out in the sticks and it was a real pain to drive to any practice and such and plus my parents felt it would take time away from my chores. But my peers in school were doing it, so I had to as well. I think that was the sentiment of my parents, not necessarily my own.

Because I was a country kid who threw rocks all day, I could pitch. Boy, could I pitch. I could throw that ball the length of the field and drop it into a coffee can. So I started about the time everyone else was coming off of T-Ball and doing actual baseball.

I practiced with everyone as a pitcher and I knew what I was doing. We got up to our first real game and the very first kid at bat was one of those giant, held-back-three-times-so-he'd-be-big-enough-for-football, corn-fed, shaving-in-the-fifth-grade kids. On the first pitch of my first game he hit a line drive like a rifle shot, directly back at me where it caught me right in the ol' beanbags. I doubled over, he kept running, and I don't remember much about the rest of it.

What I do recall is that no amount of pleading, complaining, name-calling, or yelling could induce me to ever set foot back on a baseball field. I don't feel the lack, but I sure enjoy a good-spirited game whenever I can find one. I like to play sports, but I can't stand watching.

Good luck with the little ones and their games! It's all about making the kids happy, not the parents. When the kids stop enjoying it, move on before those other parents spoil it for everyone.

Melora said...

Sounds like a great game! Those super competitive coaches just take all the fun out of the game, so I'm glad you've got a good coach instead.

Anonymous said...

testing for you Dy....... Shannon

Emily said...

AWW! So glad John is loving the game and that you guys are happy with your team and coach. From what I hear, from Melissa, that is a HUGE part of the entire thing.

WTG John! Swing for the fences! :)

J-Lynn said...

The same scenario happened to us, remember? I'm SO glad you got some great hearted (and minded) coaches too. It makes all the difference in the world doesn't it?

Donna Boucher said...

Ah sports....
the blessing and bain of every mother's existence.

Swing away!