Sunday, April 8

A delightful day

We have so much to be thankful for...

A beautiful family with a world of love.

A world to explore.

A world of adventure, and friendship.

A world of awe.

Happy Easter!


Rebel said...

Awwww...that is such a sweet progression of pictures. Your children are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What great pictures. That first one with them all together is fab - they are all looking in the same direction and sitting so nicely. Beautiful family. Happy Easter!

Dy said...

Rebel, we had such a fun day. I'll have to tell y'all about the boots.

lisa, thank you. That picture happened b/c one of the Adults Present (I'm not telling *who*) was leaping up and down, screeching, "Look! A bat! I'm a bat! Wahhhhhhh! BAT!" Humiliating, but effective.


mere said...

Absolutely Darling!

Happy Easter!


Needleroozer said...

LOL about the Batty adult. And I noticed the boots- what was up with that?
Sorry I missed your call about the shawl. I will have to give you a buzz here in a minute.
Happy Easter

andie said...

Happy Easter! Lovely pictures, but of course they would be of those adorable children. Em and Ella must have the same stylist, somany of their outfits are similar. Couldn't just be that most baby stuff is the same or nearly the same...nah.

Amber said...

Great pictures!! You have lovely children, and I'm so impressed by that first one! Thanks for putting the pictures up. Someone *ahem* forgot to charge the camera batteries so we didn't end up with any Easter pictures. Oh well.

Anonymous said...

A world of awwww! So cute. Looks like you had beautiful weather there down south, too! Thanks again for one of my favorite blogs. :)

J-Lynn said...

ROFL@boots. Too cute! Yeah, Dy is evil folks. She gave my 3yo some boots and she wears them EVERYWHERE. ;-) Thank goodness kids in dress up is just adorable. ;-)

They look SO cute Dy! I love their little outfits..