Wednesday, April 11

Homeschool Blog Awards

Hey, it's that time of year! I heard from KathyJo, who heard from somebody (or perhaps she tracked it down all on her own, the multi-tasking fool that she is) that the nominations for the Homeschool Blog Awards are up and ready to go!

One kind reader nominated me for Funniest Homeschool Blog, which means several things:

1) I cannot think of a single humorous thing to blog about now that I know this.
2) Have ya seen the list? Amy! Chris!
2a) I'm in good company. Really good company. Thank you.
2b) I haven't a chance at winning. And that's okay, too. (See 2a)

And, evidently, I've been showing my, erm, mortality in public, because I noticed I was also nominated for Best Nitty-Gritty Homeschool Blog. I'm assuming (er, hoping) it wasn't the same person, but if it was... Does that mean y'all are laughing at my challenges?

Anyway, all that to say, the nominations are up, there are literally DAYS worth of good blog reading all compiled into wonderful lists, waiting for you to go, enjoy, and vote. (Because we can't always be busy homeschooling, right? I mean, we do get the occasional inservice day, don't we?) Voting ends Friday, so it's a short run. And, as Jessica, at Trivium Academy (who, by the way, was nominated for Super Homeschooler - I suspect due to her ecstasy-inducing book lists and resource files, although it could also have something to do with her terrifying stamina) said, "encourage them to keep encouraging you".

And I am going to just wallow in the fun of it all. I've got a handy-dandy logo, see?

And great readers who make it fun to blog, make me laugh and think, and encourage me to kiss my babies, too. It's good stuff.



Kathy Jo DeVore said...

...who heard from A Circle of Quiet. :) Unfortunately, I can't argue the "fool" part, but it's a shame I really have no claim to the "multi-tasking" part. :}

*sigh* I should go pack another box. :P Congrats!

Melora said...

Never laughing at you, but often laughing with you! I'd have nominated you for Best Encourager, if I'd known about the nominations in time, but I voted for you in a couple categories. You Are funny and inspiring, and, when you sometimes describe how your best laid plans go a bit awry, that is encouraging too (because you always find some good!). Congratulations on your nominations!