Saturday, October 21

Industrious Days

(A grouchy post)

This weekend is The Weekend of Preparation. We're not actually preparing for anything, but it makes us more productive if we have a goal. We've gone over all the little things that need doing - some obvious, like finishing the trim painting, others not so obvious until, say, it rains... that's like a big, soggy highlighter from God, there. Or the dental work I thought I could put off a while, until tonight. Anyway, I doubt we'll end up with a floor before Christmas; there are simply too many other pressing obligations. But that's okay. I'm glad we can take care of these things, and that's forward motion. I just asked that we take this weekend to get (and, by affiliation of said request, keep) the house "floor ready". You know, like normal people live.

I'm tired of the state of disarray, to be honest. Yes, this is a construction zone, but it's also our home. I'm tired of tripping over a shop-vac in my kitchen (I do move it, but it makes it way "home" while I'm not looking). I'm tired of the baby teething on the reversible screwdriver bits (just how many of those do we have, anyway?) I'm tired of not being able to scrub what floor we do have because it takes a full day to clear the junk up off of it before we can even get to the sweeping and vacuuming. And I won't even go into the shoes... those shoes that turn up everywhere... they're like the voices in the head of an Alfred Hitchcock antagonist.

I do what I can, but it's not enough. And I refuse to be a nag about this stuff - nagging won't help anymore than setting it on fire does. (Trust me.) But, as Zorak is fond of pointing out (sometimes at the most inopportune moments), I do have "control issues". So, going against my own grain in this endeavor is making me subtly and unpredictably grouchy. Well, perhaps not so subtly.

So today we buckled down and got to work. It was productive:

* School Room - sanded, textured, caulked and vacuumed check
* Boys Room - scoured and prepped for curtains and hanging IKEA thingies check
* Nursery - ... um, didn't get around to the nursery
* Basement - I don't even ask anymore, but I heard noises that sounded too big to be mice, and there are more boxes in the foyer, so I'm guessing something was done on that front check
* Clutter -
- library books rounded up check
- paper from the Alter of Incoming Bills cleared out check
- baby clothes sorted for washing (this time it's the baby boy clothes) check
* Pantry - actually rethinking the pantry option, but we will order something this week. Oh, yes, we will. check (In the meantime, I resorted and organized the kitchen bookshelf/pantry again, so small check on that one.)
* Clean off that hillbilly front porch! check

Now that the boys' windows are clean on the inside, it's obvious that tomorrow, I need to tackle the storm windows. They need to be removed, cleaned, repaired and put back up. New screens. Clean and lubricate the tracks. General happy homeowner stuff. Should be good. Should feel productive. There's just nothing like a frenzied cleaning binge to cure what ails ya.

Which brings me to the things that make me smile:
We need to buy James new winter jammies, as he insists on growing out of last year's clothes every. single. year. :-)
The boys are very excited about the school room.
Zorak is very excited about building bookshelves for the school room.
Emily is very excited about everything. She does "yay", and "wolf puppy" and many other things that take me back to the other children's infant years.

And that makes me very thankful - for the helpful, generous-hearted 8 year old; for the loving, doting 6 year old; for the delightful, happy 3 year old; for the sweet and exuberant 9 month old. And perhaps most especially, even when I don't feel like it, thankful for the dedicated, somewhat surly but always loving... erm, older one.


mere said...

Oh good, you're there...I was beginning to wonder. Sounds like you have a great deal on your plate! Good stuff, though. "Wolf puppy"? Is she growling? Sarah Jane does it too and we are calling her the "growly girl". She said "Da Da" last night two or three times and we were thrilled.
Well anyway, glad to see you're ok.
Have a good day!


Anonymous said...

Windows can be cleaned?!? Learn something new...

It's funny, but I've always thought that I'm a complete slob. Now, I AM a partial slob, but I've noticed something with Ernie traveling. There's a definite pattern: Ernie's home, and my kitchen is dirty. He goes out of town, and my kitchen gets cleaned. He gets back home, and suddenly, my kitchen is dirty again.

Of course, he reads your blog, so you can expect a comment with him objecting to this. ;) But maybe he won't read the comments on this one. In case he does, though, have I mentioned how much I enjoy the fact that he's doing most of the cooking? :D

Dy said...

Mere, oh how cute!! You've got to get her on tape doing that! Our wolf puppy is where you snuffle and snort in a sniffing kind of thing. The boys taught Em to wrinkle her nose and do it, so now that's her "happy noise". It's guaranteed to make everyone smile.

KathyJo, I hear ya. I totally hear ya. Sometimes, it's a good thing they're so cute, huh? ;-) Seriously, though, I think this is just an out-of-synch thing for us. Well, that and we communicate differently. We've always worked well on writing projects b/c I'll write 30 pages, then he'll condense it to three. Or he'll write a paragraph and I can flesh it out to five pages. Now if we could just convert that to our planning and maintenance phase...


H said...

Wait - *why* are you washing baby boy clothes????

It sounds like you got a lot accomplished, but I kind of got stuck at that one item.....

Stephanie not in TX said...

KathyJo, even though Jeff hasn't traveled much lately, he's been so busy with Scout stuff that it's like he's not here ... except that my laundry pile and kitchen mess are much bigger.

And yeah, hey, windows can be cleaned? You take them DOWN? And clean them? See, I really shouldn't be a homeowner. In all the 8 years I owned my home, it never occurred to me to do that. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

We have handy-dandy fold-in windows, so they don't have to be taken down to be cleaned. I really like that. I've gone from washing windows never to about once every...two years. Hey, it's improvement.

Amber said...

Your comments in the first part of the post are so going to be what I'll be saying in about a year or so. :-)

I hear ya about nagging - I refuse, refuse, refuse to do it as well. Setting fire to it does have a certain attraction though... I'll have to keep that one in mind, just in case. *grin*

I do find myself thinking - "why do they leave this place in such a mess when they *know* it drives me nuts?" and then I have to remember that it is *me* who is driving me nuts - my reaction to the situation, that is. Even with that though, there is only so much chaos that one can live in before it just makes you want to run away. It would just be nice if everyone had the chaos threshold!