Wednesday, November 3

Another Day

Tonight is calm here.

Jacob walks in circles, waves his hands in the air, happy to be more mobile and better able to keep up with his brothers.

John reads at the supper table. He has a thoroughly-waxed paper ship afloat in the downstairs bathroom sink. She's his pride and joy and he enjoys saying, "Ship-shape" and "Top form!"

James spends hours reading about blood grouping and incompatibilities. He draws a consolation card for our neighbor, who lost her father over the weekend.

Zorak is in "Chinese Fire Drill" mode with a project at work, so he comes home tired, but happy. We eat roast with onions and carrots in au jus, mashed potatoes and green beans- good food for the soul.

I'm tired tonight. Weary. Thankful.

Need to start writing, too.

The boys are down. Zorak is heading up for the night.

I have wash to do, a book to read, and then, to bed.

Kiss those babies!


Kim said...

What a lovely thing for your James to do for your neighbour! How old is James?

Dy said...

Thanks, Kim. He's six, and he's a very big-hearted little boy. Both he and John have a great deal of mercy and kindness in their wee bodies. :-)

Jacob, well, he's more into the "Look, I'm mobile- GET OUT OF MY WAY" stage...


J-Lynn said...

I wanna come to your house! It sounded so inviting and warm and cozy yesterday! And the roast - yum - I think I just decided what to have for Geo's "welcome home" dinner...