Saturday, November 13

Never Again

Will I let Zorak within ten feet of a book I want to read before I've read it.

I'm just sayin'.

And if he doesn't quit laughing on almost every page, I may have to go buy myself a copy, too.


Donna Boucher said...

Now, I would be offering to read it aloud to everyone. This however drives my sisters batty. I can recall the hiding of books so I would not read them outloud :o)

Won't dear Zorak share with you? Read it over his shoulder...he is sure to give it up :o) Unless he likes that sort of thing!

Crissy said...

What is it that Zorak is reading?
Is it good enough that we should get copies for ourselves?


Kim said...

I can't tell you how many times this has happened here. It is especially true if the book is a historical work, like the History of the Church which I started reading, and which found its way underneath Neil's side of the bed. He usually placates me with a comment like: "Well, you're so good at picking out books."

Linda said...

Oooooh, that would drive me crazy!! Hmmmm...then again, it would be a good excuse for cuddling. ;-)

Julie D. said...

Donna, not only do you and I knit but we both bother others by reading the best bits out loud. We're soul sisters, I can tell!

Dy, what is the book? Tom and I rarely have that problem because we read totally different books. In fact, I wish I DID have the problem because then I could talk to him just once about a book he ALSO has read.