Friday, July 23

Oh, a whole new set-up.

OK, well, I didn't realize I'd lose everything by changing the format- including my Haloscan commenting feature. SO- comments via blogger now. But I did fix it so y'all can comment w/o having to register or sign up. The sidebar is going to have to wait until I can figure out where it goes in this new template. I have no idea.

Jacob broke through three teeth yesterday. Consequently, he was miserable last night and up until after eleven. It's now 9:21AM and he is still asleep. I packed a breakfast for him to eat at the pool and will be able to just wake him up and go.

Today the children get to go down the slide at the pool. It's the big treat for the kids at the end of the session- they don life jackets, and trek up the stairs to the very tippy top (which, when you are five and four, must seem enormous!) The water isn't turned up full force, so they don't really achieve a high throttle speed going down, but it is exhilerating nonetheless. One of the lifeguards catches them at the bottom and helps them to the side, where they are met by their teacher who gives them a small candy and a certificate of completion. It's very sweet. James cannot wait to go. John refuses to go.

I can't believe it's Friday. Another full week gone. I've been grouchy as heck this week- not fit for public interaction, really. Hopefully that's overwith now. We are all looking forward to a wonderful weekend together. I hope yours is wonderful, too!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Losing one's whole blog seems to be going around. :0)
Poor Jacob, 3 chompers at once is a whole lot. Poor thing.

Way to go with the swim lessons!
