Tuesday, August 28

The Good!

I mentioned that there has been so much good, and there has!

One, the weather. Z had suspected that loading a U-haul in Alabama August and unloading in New Mexico August might help soothe the souls of the uprooted. He was right. It's been absolutely gorgeous here, with light breezes and bright skies.

Bunnies! There are cottontails all around the housing areas and in the desert. They're about half the size of the ones the kids are accustomed to, and they are exponentially higher in population. If it's possible for a little girl to die from squealing in delight and tipping over every time she sees a bunny, Em may not be long for this world.

Co-op! Okay, this hasn't started yet, but the leader of the co-op has been in constant (gentle, not-pushy) communication throughout the move. She has offered help, offered prayers, and just really done such an amazing job of walking that line between keeping you in the loop and pushing so hard that you wish you'd never signed up. I cannot wait to meet this incredible woman and give her a great big, space-invading hug!

Schole! We're going to be discussing Pride & Prejudice after co-op. How's that for fabulous Mother Culture?

Family time together again! This, of course, is the biggest perk. I pulled up to the house the other day and saw the Suburban parked out front. Oh, yeah! Z can come home for lunch! How cool is that?

We'll not be able to visit a church until next Sunday. Z scheduled us to go to a silhouette shoot this last Sunday of the month. He's been looking forward to that since the day he left Alabama. There's no way we could miss it! But even that's a good thing. We get to spend the day in the mountains together, enjoying the weather, the air, the company, and the shoot!

Jacob found a new ballet studio that he is excited to join! And he was offered an apprenticeship with their Company, which thrilled his uprooted heart no end!

Parks and trails and neighbors (not the adjacent one, I don't think, but the others all seem kind).

I'm sure there's more, but the kids could hear me typing and now they're all in here, talking around me and I can't think in complete sentences. So I'm going to go listen to them chatter and ponder the many good things we have today. Together.

Be encouraged!
~ Dy

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