Saturday, May 2


We have glasses full of flowers all over the house. It's beautiful. Tulips, roses (well, A rose - the first rose of the season), irises, and whatever those things are EmBaby's holding. They've lasted the longest. I suspect that's because they have the roots still on them. The dandelions don't last long, but everybody's made a wish, now. The clover are on the porch, much to EmBaby's dismay, but they make James so sick. So, clover bouquets on the porch were a compromise.

It's beautiful, and it smells nice. But we're running low on drinking cups.

Maybe I'll ask for a couple of vases, and more Mason jars, for Mother's Day?

Kiss those babies!


mere said...


SJ has finally gotten that she needs to put her posies in water. However she usually picks them so that the stems are too short, or stuffs the flowers too deep in the water, so they sink. Very frustrating!


Amber said...

Thanks for your comment over on my blog! I didn't think you stopped by anymore. :-D

I read Omnivore's Dilemma and I'm #2 on the wait list at the library for Pollan's follow-up book. I'm looking forward to reading it. I haven't read Nourishing Traditions though - my library unfortunately doesn't have it and I haven't decided if it is worth it for me to shell out the money for it. I'm intrigued by it though, from what I've heard about it. I've certainly seen it discussed by a lot of different people. Have you done much with her methods or anything?

We have lots of flower bouquets too, although ours aren't quite to lush! Ours usually are about 2" tall at max and float in small bowls. I really need to get some tiny bud vases or start growing some bigger flowers than our tiny little wildflowers!

Jenni said...

EmBaby's holding daisy fleabane, Erigeron strigosus, which is a member of the aster family. Yes, I had to look up the Latin name. I know the common name--and this flower--well, though. Um, wait. The page with the Latin name says something about annual fleabane. It could also be that since it looks like the leaves are a little wider. Oh well, I've narrowed it down to two for you:o) Happy spring!

Dy said...

Oooh, Jenni - thanks! Now we know what those are. I love that. :-) The only thing I'm not crazy about w/ these things is that they shed like a nervous short-haired dog when they start to dry out. Yuck. The boys and I will figure out which of the two it is tomorrow.

Amber, I'm trying. I really like Nourishing Traditions, and am positive that I'll get the hang of it. So far, not so much luck w/ culturing dairy. But, I'm new at this. And like I needed another learning curve, right? Still, I'm excited. She's articulate and cites references well, which goes a long way with me when I get to practicing my due diligence before bringing something new to the table. :-)

Mere, we have a lot of little flower-tops floating in bowls (or at the bottom of bowls), too! These just cracked me up b/c they actually have roots still attached. Our little girls are such fun!

Amber said...

I'm glad to hear that she cites her references well - that sort of thing is important to me too. Especially since she recommends some things that are not exactly standard practice (for me, at least!)... but that's not a bad thing, necessarily! I've only made yogurt and yogurt cheese so far, but they've both turned out quite well. I'm planning on venturing further into soft cheeses and perhaps even kefir (although the whole leaving the milk out on the counter for hours on end to "ripen" kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies). I'll have to see if I can get the book through inter-library loan. I tend to forget about that option!

Dy said...

>>although the whole leaving the milk out on the counter for hours on end to "ripen" kind of gives me the heebie-jeebies<<

ROFL - yes. I've been trying to make the Whey and Cream Cheese recipe. The jar of milk, separating and doing its thing on the counter has had Zorak positively twitchy. At first, he kept wanting to put it in the fridge. Then he kept wanting to throw it away. Hopefully, once everything is separated and stored happily back in the fridge, he'll be okay. :-) I'll let ya know how that goes.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Em is absolutely precious. Thanks for sharing!

Hey, I have the Omnivores Dilemma in my reading pile. Small world:)