Tuesday, January 20

And We Wonder Why They Get Confused

I'll set the stage:

James and John are at the table, completing their writing work for the day.

I'm working in the kitchen.

Smidge and Emily are riding a tricycle/chasing one another around the house.

Jase is eating something nobody can remember giving him, and providing general background noise.

Em asks Smidge to wait. He ignores her. She tells him to wait. He goes a few more feet before stopping, but still doesn't acknowledge her with his words. She shrieks. He hollers.

I take a deep breath and remind everybody that this nonsense of ignoring one another simply has. to. stop. Like yesterday. Thank you.

Smidge, Em and Jase return to their regularly scheduled noise making.

James asks if he can write now.

What? Of course you can.

Well, it's just hard to concentrate with you talking to the littles every few minutes.

(And you see this coming, don't you?)

Well, honey, you're just going to have to learn to ignore me.

Thankfully, he cracked up and got back to writing. It could have gone horribly awry.

Kiss those babies!


Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

That is priceless. Perfect. Wonderful. I am so glad you took the time to post it. :)

Anonymous said...
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Dy said...

Oops - sorry. Erin sent me a private note and I accidentally posted it. Der. I'm a goof.

I did actually preface what I was about to say with, "OK, I can't believe I'm saying this, but..."

It's just a very good thing the kids have our sense of humor. :-D

Fe said...


Ow... I can see _that_ in the future:-)

Fabulous tale:-)

Jennie C. said...

One of those many things that, as a mother, you never expect to hear yourself saying out loud. :-)

Jules said...

Great story! And so typical. I don't think you can be a mom without have some of that double-speak going on. They'll understand, someday. (at least that's what I tell myself) :)