Monday, March 17


I had a sweet, poignant post all made up in my head, but it has a picture that needed to go with it. I just spent ten minutes looking for the camera so I could upload it and regale you with Smidge's utter Cuteness on the field today... turns out, it's still in the car. And it's dark out there. And to be honest, I get all stiff and hobbly when I walk. So that's just going to have to wait for tomorrow.

We picked up the dog. He's lost weight and he smells like the mudholes elk rut in. It's disgusting. But he's otherwise just fine, and was very happy to see his children. He even shed all over the car on the ride home, just to share his joy with us. The car now smells like something died in it, right after servicing the herd. *shudder* This wasn't the best trip for the ol' pregnant olfactory functions.

The retrieving of the dog pretty much threw the rest of my nicely laid plans right out the window, and we spent the rest of the morning playing with him (mostly in the form of trying to keep him downwind from us while still being affectionate), airing out the car, and then... off to the fields. Tonight was a snap - two practices, same park, same start time. WOOHOO! I could go year-round if it was always like that!

EmBaby has been out of diapers for three days. She's still striking out on the Big Jobs, but for your basic functions, she's 100% dry. Even after naptime. Even at the ball field. (And you'll be glad to know I'm keeping in shape by making the trek to and from the bathrooms every twenty minutes. Considering it takes us five to get there, five to get back, and five to hang out and touch. every. single. thing. in the stall, that gives me a five minute rest between laps! Not a bad cardio plan, really.) And the best part is that it's of her own volition! I just ask if she's still dry, give her a High-Five for being dry, and call it good. Success. Can't ask for an easier job than that!

The balcony project still has not begun. The pickets we thought we could use on the front panels of the fence, we can't. Rats. The fence is still lingering, waiting for a row of pickets before we can move on to the balcony. Everything else is done on it, though, and it's really nice! The wire is strung along the back, stretched nice and tight. The Plan for the backyard is starting to take shape, too, now that we have visible parameters. Just as I lamented that we're three weeks behind schedule, a friend suggested I look at it more positively. She said we aren't three weeks behind, we're "a full week ahead of being a month late". Well, heh, when you put it that way, right... (well, actually, when you put it that way, I have to wonder if she's been into the rum. But she makes me smile, and she's wonderfully supportive, and I'd share my rum with her, any day.)

Our addition of typing and piano to the curriculum is a huge hit so far. That's my happy spot for right now: the children's sweet smiles, total enthusiasm, and warm hugs. Happy Spot, indeed. And now, it's a little late, so I'm going to meander back to my other Happy Spot and drift off to dream of dogs in baseball suits chasing children through open fences while some lopsided freak plays piano tunes on the balcony-o-death. Er, something like that. (Sometimes it's best that we don't always remember our dreams.)

Kiss those babies!


mere said...

So much to comment on...the description of Balto's aroma made me spit my my coffee. Where do you get these descriptions?

I am jealous about Emily's being such a big girl. Way to go! S.J. is showing more interesting but still prefers to soil herself. I keep telling myself that it will happen, not to get alarmed. Then, yesterday, during the boys mah lesson, I found her soiled, naked, and wet after trying to clean up after my toilet (did the whole swishing of the panties and then apparently decided to play and fill her potty up with water. Ewwwww.) So, I'm in just a wee bit of a hurry to get potty training over with.

Try to rest. Drink lots of water and all that good stuff.

Have a great day!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Oh, I hope that Em's training continues to go that easily for you - wouldn't that be wonderful to have only one in diapers?? :) Good luck!

Amy said...

Oh, it'a whole different ball game (pun intended) potty training girls, isn't it? With boys they can be in and out without touching anything and then you can wipe their hands with a handiwipe. Not so with girls.

I almost wanted to keep Peyton in diapers until she was old enough for her feet to touch the ground when using a real toilet. I may even try this with Romy.

Just kidding. Sort of.

Rebel said...

Ewwww, that smell description made me gag and I'm not even pregnant.

Way to go Em! I'm jealous. KJ was not potty-trained until a solid 4 years old.

Maybe you're "cardio training" will send you on into labor.

Bob and Claire said...

Wow, I am so impressed with Emily's potty prowess! Anna has shown some (read: a tiny bit) of interest in the potty, and she'll sit on it occasionally, but I think something came out only once. And I just haven't gotten around to really working on it with her. Some day when I have some spare time . . . 2010 maybe? LOL. I just need to bite the bullet, but we have a huge cross-country trip to Utah in May, and I REALLY don't want to be having to stop at all sorts of times (and places) during it. I'm such a potty-training wimp.

LOL at the dog/smell--you have a way of making me glad we haven't gotten a dog yet! : )

Urban Mom said...

The description of taking you DD to the bathroom over and over and touching every last thing in the process made me LOL!! My DD is 4yo and I still have to remind her to stop touching everything. UGH!

melissa said...

Everyone who owns an outdoor dog, knows EXACTLY the smell of which you speak! LOL! Good for you for holding it together today!