Sunday, March 9

Time To Slow It Down A Bit

(A post in which it seems I've decided to abuse quotation marks and hypenation. You've been warned.)

I've been feeling a bit punky the past couple of days, and I think it's time to slow down. Not slow-down-relatively-speaking, but honest-to-goodness-slow-the-heck-down.

We had a prenatal appointment Friday, and while there is nothing "wrong", things weren't quite as "spot on" as I'd like them to be. The swelling's getting worse - up to my knees now, and leaves imprints if I lean on something (ew - but not to the point of having to worry, as it's not in my hands or face, and there are no other concerns on that end), my blood pressure (while not even close to being considered "high") is high-for-me, I'm throwing a little protein (again, not enough to raise the flag of alarm, but a little, which I've never done before), and little Heiney is now measuring smaller than the last visit (which we think is b/c he's snugged in so tightly and so far down that the midwife could only feel the nape of his neck - that's a good thing, generally speaking, although not-comfortable-in-the-least from my perspective).

Then yesterday, I was out of breath and crampy all morning. Finally, in the midst of fixing breakfast, I did something I've never done before. I fixed myself a plate, asked Zorak to feed everyone else, and hid in my room. Well, "hid" is a relative term. I went to my room, whereupon everybody followed me. But still, at least I was holed up in bed with a high-protein plate of food and all the water Smidge could bring me in many, many trips with a 3oz. cup. I think he covered a good mile with all the trips he made. (He's so good to me. gush-gush) And then, I napped. Sweet, blissful, guilt-free napping from mid-morning til after noon. Felt much better.

But it still took a few hours for me to realize that *this* is exactly what I need to be doing more of.

So, I'm going to do more of it.

Which means that unless I can come up with some way to make the inside of my eyelids into an interesting blog post, or regale you all with detailed analysis of the thread count on my sheets, the next week's worth of blogging may be a bit... um, incoherent? Boring? I don't know. Maybe I can get Zorak to guest blog once in a while or something, right?

And so, early-to-bed, it's 10:37 and I'm off for a nap!

Kiss those babies!


Amber said...

Good for you! Slowing down sounds exactly like what you need to be doing right now. I hope you're able to get some more rest and and high protein food and all that good stuff and that (most importantly!) it helps!

I love the image of Smidge bringing you umpteen refills of that little glass. What a sweetie.

Anonymous said...

Please take care of yourself!! I'll get over my need to read a Classic Adventures post every day...

hornblower said...

Rest up! If anyone deserves it, it's you.

Konkadoo said...

Yes, sleep is good. I love sleep... too much. Daylight savings will throw anyone off for a bit too.

Oh, most certainly have a boring blog for a bit. I plan to for the next few days now that the derby is over. You've had a lot going on lately this close to new babies. Besides, you should lie down more if you're blood pressure is up a bit and you've got swelling. It'll make a big difference.

Try to sneak in a boring update now and then though. ;-)

Rebel said...

Take it easy and enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy. Your body is obviously trying to tell you something.

Mom2legomaniacs said...

Oh sweetie, you make sure that you rest and take care of yourself and that baby. It won't be long now, but your body is telling you to stop and rest, so listen! Good for you for realizing that.

I know your kids will take good care of you. Have some lovely naps!


Bob and Claire said...

Good for you! I hope you can continue taking it easy. Those last few weeks are so long. For what it's worth, I have had a little protein in my urine during the last few weeks of my last several pregnancies, and everything has always been fine. But I always consider it a warning! I'll keep praying for you. Hang in there! : )

mere said...

Yay! I am so glad you are taking care of yourself!

If I call in the next few weeks or so, I will require you to be resting with your feet up while we converse in a light hearted and restful way.

Rest well, you need it!

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Take good care of yourself and that little baby. Even superwoman needs to slow down when gestating! :) Also, Smidge is too sweet!

Emily said...

Hang in there!! You and Heiney get some rest and take care. And squeeze Smidge for me because he is just so sweet!!!!

Becca said...

Not that you need more validation here, but hooray for you for recognizing what your body needs! Protein and water--that's been my midwife's mantra for me, and it's time I start listening better, also.

Jenni said...

Good for you. Take care of yourself, Dy!

momanna98 said...

I've been trying to invent some sort of contraption that hooks up to your head and is able to read your thoughts and automatically post them into blog land. Sounds feasible, right? ;-) Happy resting!

J-Lynn said...

It's amazing what sleep can do for a person eh? I'm like a different person wiht a good amount of it.

I love you and can't wait. I'm wondering if this is the "before crud" of labor girl. ;-)

Love ya! I expect a call between contractions for old times sake. ;-)

Janet said...

Take care Dy. I'll be thinking of you and praying. Can't wait to hear your exciting news. Rest up! :)