Wednesday, March 26

Riding the Vomit Comet

I know. Ew.

Monday night, Zorak took the kids for the pilgrimage to the ball fields. After Smidge and John's practices ended and James' began, he brought the three littlest home and returned to watch James and his magic cleats do their thing. (All three of the kids have magic cleats - evidently they do really amazing things, like make you dance and spin and leap up on your toes, when you're standing on the baseline in the dirt. We don't know if it's just our kids, or if there are other magic cleats out there - feel free to chime in.)

John got sick and couldn't finish supper. He went to bed.

I'd just tucked him in and settled down with BabyJ when Smidge came running down the hall, yelling, "Alert! Alert! Ernh-ernh-ernh! Alert! Emily puked!" (Not sure why he thought the sirens and such were needed, but he was pretty alarmed.) I got up, got her cleaned up, cleared the mess, rolled up the table cloth, and went back to bed.

Ten minutes later, Smidge was sick from both ends. He actually made it to the bathroom. He immdediately became Officially My Favorite Child.

Once more from EmBaby. She gets the Official Second Favorite Child slot for knowing to step back out of the way after she throws up. Good instincts on that one.

Then Zorak got home. I filled him in, told him I was clocking off vomit patrol and headed back to bed.

He got the two Littles down and snuggled in, when only ten minutes later, EmBaby called from her room, "Oh, Dad! Mess! BIG mess! Mess, Dad!" Sure 'nuff, the poor thing was just covered from head to toe. Into the bath, into the laundry, fresh linens and jammies and back to bed.

Today (Tuesday) wasn't much better. The two big boys alternated curling up in bed and skipping meals, although thankfully neither of them threw up today. The two little ones took turns being sick. We've gone through a lot of laundry soap and toilet paper today, folks. Wowsa.

BabyJ and I plan to remain in hiding until the plague passes. It should pass quickly. There's no fever, no aches, no lethargy. We can't figure out what only the kids have eaten that could cause it (Zorak suspected the Easter candy, but I had to admit that, um, I've been nibbling out of the stash pretty regularly, and I'm fine, *grin*) I guess it could be viral, in which case, it's got to be fairly mild. No problems keeping everyone hydrated, at least.

But still... ew, you know? Just. Ew.

And so, back to bed before somebody senses that I'm up and decides to be sick! G'night!

Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

I sure do hope that you and baby get to skip the whole thing. Sick babies are heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

Jacob and Em weren't eating rock salt were they?

Melora said...

Ooooh! Poor Zorak & kiddos! I hope is one of those Very Short Lived bugs. Glad you and the baby are hiding out!

Mom2legomaniacs said...

Oh no! Yes, you need to take that baby and hide away in your room until it passes. How awful! I hope it passes soon and you and Jason don't get it.

Take care!

pilgrimama said...

Oh, boy! Papa gets the full range of parental experiences! Work might start looking easy to him after this,huh? So sorry to hear that. Rest everyone!

mere said...

Oh. My. Reading this was like deja vu, back to the great vomit fest of '06 when S.J. was a week old. Why does this stuff have to happen when there is newborn in the house, Whhhhyyyyy?

Good for Smidge for making it to the toilet...that is a very high level skill for some of us.

I do have to say, there were a couple of times when I did laugh out loud. "Alert! Alert!.." So funny!

You have all my sympathy. If you end up with mastitis, I'm going to start thinking you're channeling me or something. Take care and love on that baby for me.

Hugs for you all.

mere said...

Oh. My. Reading this was like deja vu, back to the great vomit fest of '06 when S.J. was a week old. Why does this stuff have to happen when there is newborn in the house, Whhhhyyyyy?

Good for Smidge for making it to the toilet...that is a very high level skill for some of us.

I do have to say, there were a couple of times when I did laugh out loud. "Alert! Alert!.." So funny!

You have all my sympathy. If you end up with mastitis, I'm going to start thinking you're channeling me or something. Take care and love on that baby for me.

Hugs for you all.

momanna98 said...

Oh no! What an awful time for this to happen! I'll pray you and BabyJ don't get hit.

Needleroozer said...

Eeewww. Poor little things, and poor mama. I have to say, even with all the barfing going on, you sounded really good on the phone. I am glad you are at least getting rest.

Thanks for the pep talk re the Girl and the chickens. We are back on track, with responsible parties being responsible (for the moment, anyway), and are leaving soon to pick up the new babies.

Talk to you later today,

Amber said...

Yikes! Just what your household needed, I'm sure (not that any family needs such a thing, but you know what I mean) I hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Amy said...

Ew is right. I hope you don't succomb, and that everyone is back to normal quickly. Great timing, eh?

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Oh, poor kiddos! I do hope that you and the baby don't get it, too. And that Zorak doesn't get it, because that just wouldn't be nice at all. Good job hiding out and resting! :)

andie said...

Oh, no! I hope by now it's on it's way out and you and Jason are spared. And not just because vomit-catching/cleaning cuts into time that you could be using to take and post baby pictures, no siree. It's GEN-U-WINE concern for all of you. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ewwww - I'm so glad Zorak is home to do the "hands-on" stuff for you. Stay well.

Amy - The Foil Hat

Anonymous said...

Ah, real life. You write beautifully ~ thanks for sharing.

P from Needelroozers blogdom:)

Staci Eastin said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope they're better soon and that you and the baby don't get it.

We cannot bring a baby home from the hospital without having the plague descend on us. The first day T went back to work after our youngest was born one child threw up on our carpeted stairs. The paper that tells you what not to do after a c-section didn't specifically SAY anything about cleaning vomit off carpeted stairs, but I bet I wasn't supposed to be doing that.

Jenni said...

Yuck. It looks (from the post above) like everyone is better, though.

Hey, I never had magic cleats, but I had magic tennis shoes. Didn't you believe that every new pair of sneakers could make you run faster and sneak quieter if they were *the* *right* pair? I used to test my running ability after getting new shoes. I never used a stopwatch, but somehow I imagined that I was much, much faster.

Urban Mom said...

Oh my, what a day! You poor things! There seems to be something just hideous going around. I hope that it's moved on from your family never to return!!

Jules said...

I stopped by here yesterday and wrote a nice comment but blogger lost it! So I'm back to say that I am so sorry everyone's been sick but on the flip side, at least it's all at once instead of one child sick this week, another child next week and so on.

I hope you and the babe survive without catching it!