Thursday, February 21

Watching the eclipse with kids.

The boys were so excited. As if to remind us of the big event, the moon came out early in the day the last two days. (This is the only decent moon photo we took. My camera, and my skills, are not so good with night photography.)

Then we had severe cloud cover last night. At seven, it was complete. Not a shred of light slipped through the clouds. But what with kids being kids and all excited, I couldn't make an executive decision not to give it a shot. We figured we would wait and try, anyway. I'm so glad we did!

We still had to compete with the cloud cover, but it moved so quickly, and in the opposite direction of the eclipse, that the boys were able to enjoy the spectacle.

It was cold! (Can you tell which of the children runs a little warmer than the other?) The littlest ones stayed inside to play. Smidge came out just as the big orange shadow made it's grand appearance. I missed it, as Emily also put on a grand I-am-so-done-with-this-being-up-nonsense show about the same time. So, while the boys were enjoying their time with Nature. I was enjoying some bedtime snuggles with Em. 2010 may sound like a long way off, to catch the next eclipse, but that's nothing compared to all that will transpire with these children between now and then. She needed me more than I wanted to see that - and we can catch the next one together.

When I left the boys, they were settled in for the duration. Or so it seemed...

Not too long after the eclipse began to fade, however, they decided to play football. In, as you can see, the dark. Of course there was crashing and wailing and yelling and a tear or two. My sympathies didn't run deep. They've been told not to play football on the sloped meadow in the dark (things you never thought you'd have to explain, #286) So when they needed a referee, I called bedtime, citing the rule that says: I just got the baby down, and I will not be pleased if I have to take you all out in this weather to visit the ER. Game! Round 'em up. Stories, snuggles, no broken bones or bloody lips. (Had to check, just in case. I may not have sounded terribly sympathetic, but a Mom still worries.) All is well.

Dad comes home tonight! Yay!

Kiss those babies!


Bob and Claire said...

Fun! We watched up here too, although we had a light sprinkling of snow on the ground, so no one even thought of football! I laughed at your jacket/hoodie contrast--we had the same thing! Nathan wore his hoodie, and Luke bundled up in his parka! We watched one in Colorado several years ago, when Nathan and Luke were both really little, and I told Bob it is so much fun to have the kids to share these things with now.

mere said...

We totally missed it. There was a slight glow behind the clouds, and that was it. Oh well, we'll just wait until 2010!

Glad they got to see it!


Amber said...

Alas, we had far too many clouds here to see it. We tried before, during and after faith formation last night, but all to no avail. Oh well, 2010 doesn't seem that far off...

Urban Mom said...

What a fun night! It was absolutely freezing here, so we caught glimpses through the windows. Looks like you had a fantastic time!

Becca said...

We had a thick, ooky foggy cloud cover. Couldn't really even see the mountains, let alone the sky! So we'll have to wait for 2010. Mine needed the sleep, anyway!

Mom2legomaniacs said...

Too cloudy here and I was looking at the backs of my eyelids anyway ;-)

Oh, not ignoring the email. I will respond this weekend. Busy week but MUCH better!!!!!

Thanks dear!

Laney said...

We did not have a good view from here. That's what we get for sitting in the cheap seats. :-)