Monday, July 16


Something bit EmBaby. She's actually a walking display of various critter bites, at the moment: a few mosquito, a spider or two, a gnat, a suspected chigger, and some kind of biting fly. Yep, she's pretty sweet. And bumpy.

For the most part, we don't worry too much, but she got these today, and they really bother me. If they aren't better by morning, I'm certainly calling the doctor. In the meantime, though, have any of you ever seen something like this?


They're on her big toe (which really isn't all that big), but as you can see, there are two distinct whitish circles. Those are raised and welty, and the area around the bites is swollen and red. They don't seem to be bothering her terribly, but they're making me slightly crazy, wondering what they could be.

Kiss those babies!
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mere said...

That definitely looks like spider bite to me. Put a little neosporin on it and take her to the doc. Tell danger girl to leave those buggies alone!

I am having an urge to kiss the boo boo through the computer screen. Poor wittle owie toe!

mere said...

By the way, I'm basing that diagnosis on my own experience with spiders.


Needleroozer said...

Ohhh, I am so sorry- it looks painful! I too, want to kiss that sweet, puffy little piggie. Give her a hug for me, and call if you need to, I don't ever seem to sleep anymore.

Laura said...

Yep, I'm casting my vote with spider-bite, too.

Needleroozer said...

My insect-loving Boy thinks it is a spider bite, too, and here are the hugs and kisses he gave you on the phone:


Dy said...

ARGH! We are not nature people. Well, not that kind of nature people. Pfft. Ok, to the doctor in the morning, I think. *shudder*

Jennie C. said...

I think it looks like fire ant bites, but being two, close together, it might be spider. From my ER doc, as I once went in for a spider bite, too: If it's a black widow bite, you'll notice a systemic reaction, kind of like flu symptoms. If it's a brown recluse, a black spot at the center of bite which will expand as the flesh rots. If neither of those two, it's just a regular, albeit angry, spider and nothing to worry about. I still think it looks like ants, though.

Melora said...

I'd say spider bite too. As it is 9:24 on Tuesday, I expect you've already called the doctor if it is still ouchie looking. Poor baby Em.

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Ow, ow, ow! Poor baby. :(

J-Lynn said...

I agree with some people at the board, I'd guess fire ant but LMK what you find out. Poor Em!

H said...

Not to freak you out, but, it's not a bat....right?

Bats like toesies.

I don't think bat bites swell and itch. But I'd take her to the Dr., as it certainly looks like something with fangs nibbled at her.

Poor thing!

(Now you may have another plague to add to your home: mold, water, crickets, the viiiiiiines!, and possibly bats. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Dy,

Those look like fire ant bites. The wonderful south and fire ants. My son is terribly allergic to them and swells up so badly.

Stephanie in FL

Ernest said...

It could be as simple as stepping on something with thorns. I don't know how many times I've been stuck by two at the same time before and it always looks like some critter took a nibble on me. If it swells and falls off then it probably WAS a spider bite of some sort.

My philosophy on bites is that if the person bitten is still walking, breathing, and complaining about the bite ... then it obviously wasn't too dangerous of a critter.

Hope the little lady heals up quick. Nothing is worse than realizing that the big, beautiful green world is full of biting, stinging, and piercing critters.