Monday, May 28

A lot like this

Right now, the amount of work that lies before us after our absence feels a lot like this. But, she made it to the top, and so will we.

And the view looking back at all the work you've done...


Kiss those babies!


Emily said...

AWWW!! Welcome home! Glad you are back, my house is entirely too clean ;)

mere said...

What cute pictures! Emily is getting more hair! Yay!

Looks and sounds like y'all had lots of fun.


Meliss said...

Great pictures. In the first pic, Embaby looks more little girlish and less babyish than in previous pictures. Does that make sense?

Melora said...

Awww! You've got some great little troopers there!

Staci Eastin said...

She's growing so quickly! Hope you get all those boulders scaled quickly!

Dy said...

LOL, Em. And mine's not getting any cleaner while I try to catch up!

Mere, yeah, I was thinking how much hair she's finally getting. Then I saw SJ's enormous curls and what constitutes a "full head of hair" for a one-year-old, and suddenly, EmBaby looked pretty bald again. LOL

Melkhi, it does make sense. I'm not listening, and I can't hear you, but it makes total sense. *sigh* It goes way too fast.

Melora, they climbed and hiked and just soaked it all in. It was awesome!

Staci, thanks. We're scaling. Climbing. Stopping for snack breaks. All the good stuff, right?
