Friday, November 24


Beaten by an 8-year old! Repeatedly.

I can't beat him at chess. His gleeful giggles during the game probably don't count as sabotage, do they? Eh, that's okay. His gracious manner of winning - happy, but not ugly about it - make it easy to enjoy losing.

I've gotta get on the ball, here, or they're all going to by-pass me quickly and refer to me in the future as their "poor, strange mother".

Kiss those babies!


Anonymous said...

wow Im impressed you all must have taught him well.

J-Lynn said...

He needs to teach my mom some manners if he doesn't gloat - she even has a victory dance...hehe

I got your message but I don't want to call if you're being good and sleeping earlier. Call me if you're up - I'll be up until about midnight my time.



Dy said...

Ang, I wish I could take credit for it, but it's the "Kids Book of Chess". We all started learning over the summer, but he's really studied it and gets into the strategy of it.

Jess, I'll, um, call ya tomorrow! ;-)


Stephanie not in TX said...

Connor (10) beat me in four moves.


There's my sign.