Tuesday, December 7

Not A Creative Thought In My Head

Well, Zorak returned from his trip, dropped his bags by the stairs and promptly succumbed to a cold-like illness. He was mostly unconscious Sunday and Monday. Poor guy. He's been ill more this past year than he was in the entire eight years preceeding. I'm starting to get a little worried about him. This isn't malingering, this is flat-out sick! It seems to get him right after a trip out of town, but even before they put him on the frequent flyer work schedule, he was getting sick more frequently. *sigh*

At any rate, creativity is currently shot. I'm running on two weeks without a mommy-break to clean the house or do any of those things I usually plan to do while Zorak has the boys. It's all good, and I'm functioning... just not on full throttle.

Boys are great! School is a lot of fun right now. They're making good progress and we're happy with it, but more than that, they are enjoying the process. They're having a good time working together on projects and mastering new skills. Forget lighting a candle, I'll set the whole altar on fire if it'll help them stay like that!

Weather is great! I finally hung a clothesline in our back yard. (Wonderful Neighbor swears you can line dry clothing year-round out here.) I hung a load. It dried. Oooooooo, neato! I hung a second load. It started to rain. I brought the load back in. It stopped raining, but threatened me with rain all day. Hey! That's not right! Either rain or move along, there! We'll see if I can bring our electric bill down any this winter or if I'll just get ample exercize bringing in and hanging out loads based on the cloud activity!

I've received several emails from folks saying they couldn't leave a comment. Looks like Blogger has bugs again. Some other bloggers have already gone back to HaloScan because of it. I'll look into alternatives and see what we can do. Sorry for the inconvenience, and please don't give up trying- I love reading your comments and enjoy the stories y'all share!

Well, we're off to do something productive. We'll break from school for vacation next week and I'd like to make some headway before we do. Hope you're all having a productive, enjoyable Tuesday!


1 comment:

Linda said...

I think many of us are suffering from the same brain overload, LOL. Be encouraged, Dy--you have more creativity in your little pinky than I do in my entire body! :-)

I used to hang our wash on clotheslines when I was a young girl growing up in Hawaii. We had the same problem with unexpected showers! Aaaaah, but when the sun is out, there's nothing like freshly sun-dried clothes! Can't do it here in CA, unfortunately. Too much dust and smog fall-out floating around.

Blessings to you today, Dy!