Tuesday, August 24

The Great Arranging

The end of August will forever be known by the boys as
"The Time of the Great Arranging"
, or more honestly,
"The week Mom went nuts and moved the house around enough to wear holes in the carpet".
*hmpf* Well, it looks much better now, I think. I am the only one who thinks that so far, although I'm pretty sure Jacob would agree with me if he could talk. Besides, I clean it, so I can move it, right?

The dining room (which I refer to as "that totally wasted space in the front of the house") is getting an involuntary makeover into a more scholarly-styled room. I just couldn't take it anymore. As a dining room, it's pathetic- our little wobbly-legged oblong table & chairs with the lose bars and flaked finish (the set survived my adolescence and then was exiled to my domain when I moved out umpteen years ago) takes the spot of honor in the middle of the room. What a showpiece. It's in the middle only because if we move it someone will get a concussion from the chandelier. (Chandelier? It's a mid-grade townhouse, for Pete's sake!) Although, even if we could do away with the poorly appointed light fixture, I can't move the table because the carpet is white (white! carpet! white carpet in the dining room! of a rental! WHAT was this guy THINKING?) So, when you cannot renovate, you re-arrange.

We moved the tea cart near the front door in a noble attempt to catch the stuff Zorak drops on the floor as he walks in, as well as to make the cart more functional and no longer "where junk mail goes to die", as it has been. I don't know if it'll work, or if he'll just step further in before dropping said things on the floor. We'll give it a week and see what happens. If it doesn't work, I'll think of something else. That move, however, opened up a wall for our new wall maps! *cheesy grin* It also opened a corner for an end table that's been migrating forlornly around the living room... it'll now have a home, and a globe to keep it company. There's also a new spot for Jacob to play while we do some of our lessons. I'm thinking craft stuff may be relocated to this part of the house, since the table is where we do most crafts.

The boys are being re-consolidated back into one bedroom. They both seem fairly content with this measure. James will be happy to have a ladder again, and John will be happy to have help keeping the room tidy. That means I have to roll up my sleeves and *do* something with this third room. It could be quite useful with some furniture- a low couch, beanbag chairs, even a desk... just something. As it stands, however, it ends up being a small room with books on every wall and nothing but floor elsewhere. *sigh* Maybe we can find something at a resale shop in Annapolis this weekend? I dunno what we're going to do with that. This winter, though, it will be nice, as that's the warmest room in the house when the weather's cold. *grin*

That's about all the news that's fit to print tonight. I didn't get the computer til one, and can't keep my eyes open anymore. I'll try to blog in the morning- we have an early, early day tomorrow!



J-Lynn said...

Garage sales!!! :-) Or build storage trunk/seating for around the room and just make it a "library". ;-)

Sounds like you've done some neat things with the rearranging! I'm glad the boys enjoy being in the same room together!

Anonymous said...

Dy, I also have one of those useless dining rooms in the front of the house, and I've been contemplating turning it into a "library" ever since we started homeschooling! I envy your initiative and energy in getting that done. We, too, are thinking of putting our boys back in one room, because my 12yo's room is practically closet-sized, and they like being together. Hope you're wide awake today, after your late night blogging!

Kim in ON

Anonymous said...

Don't you just love to move furniture? I always feel like I have a house full of new "stuff." Have fun with the "library". I kind of want every room in my house to look like a library with walls lined with shelves and big comfy wing-back chairs and ottomans to cozy up in.
Alas, a bit too pricey for reality.
But...I did see a wing-back chair in a re-sale shop last week for $20!!!!! Wish I could ship it to you.
Hugs, Suzanne